Hi everyone. I recently asked on here about horrendous full body flushing when increasing my dose of azathioprine and got some helpful feedback. Basically I was started on 25mg and only upped to 50mg but felt like I was on fire. I had to have 3-4 showers a day and it was horrendous!. I tried my rheumatology nurse who was useless and quite rude actually, I then got to talk to my consultant who said he hadn’t heard of this before. He advised that I needed to up my dose and that if it got worse it was the meds.....
Well I am on holiday and so will up my dose when I am back BUT the flushes have all but stopped. AMAZING! What’s changed? I got another prescription and these ones are a different brand and white, the problem ones were orange. That is the only difference I can find. So if anyone develops something similar,it might be worth looking at changes as subtle as this.
Thank you all for your support. I am struggling a bit but knowing I can ask anything here is so helpful x