Hey everyone,
I just wanted to share how well things have been going with you all!
You might remember I was struggling to find meds that worked for me. I've been on 100mg azathiropine now since about Feb without stopping it and I'm on 2.5mg steroids. I can honestly say it has made such a difference for me. Still in daily pain but it has improved and fatigue has as well. I've managed to make it through work with only 2 days off and I was averaging a lot more than that.
I actually have more of a life now! I've started a new relationship and have been able to manage weekend visits to Camden! I've also just submitted my 5th assignment to complete my first ever year with the open university. Which is something I have wanted to do for a while now! I've even enrolled for 2 modules starting in October. I've been a part of a few really call zoom calls to do with lupus and that has been amazing!
When I was first diagnosed nearly 8 years ago, I really thought I would have no life, I just did not see it being possible. It hasn't been easy at all. But I am truly grateful for this really good period I'm currently having. I hope it lasts but I know it may not. So I am making sure to pace myself and rest still!
Thank you to everyone on here who has been around since the start. Without all the help and support I received at the beginning of my journey I don't think I'd be where I am. You helped me to understand and see those good things can still happen despite having lupus.
I've got work tomorrow then I am off for May half term! So I'm looking forward to a trip to Clacton and just chilling out! Enjoy the bank holidays and jubilee next week everyone!