Has anyone seen a connection between post-menopausal bleeding and your lupus flares?
Post-Menopausal Bleeds and Lupus Flares - LUPUS UK
Post-Menopausal Bleeds and Lupus Flares

Post-menopausal bleeding needs prompt investigation.
Hi there, I haven't been here in years, but yes, I have been thinking this connection is pretty marked. Although I've yet to get any real confirm if I'm even in menopause, it seems to set everything off, and I've been put into medical menopause to try and kerb issues a bit.
Please get this checked out with your GP ASAP , don’t mean to frighten you but I had this and turned out to be ovarian cancer xx
Thank you all for the comments. I have had it checked a number of times — it keeps recurring— and will again but because it keeps recurring with my flares and I have had it checked it feels less urgent. It probably isn’t I realise— it could still be bad—but the repeated checks make me tired. I also had a very bad heart reaction the last check so I’m nervous to get it done again. But I will.