Pervading stiffness, pain and immobility today so sat on the decking in the sun watching the nesting birds and budding plants and tried to zone out and not think about that mountain of ironing. Trouble is I can only manage half an hour ironing at a time as wrists weak so it will soon be a mountain range in its own right 😉
Resting the garden: Pervading stiffness, pain and... - LUPUS UK
Resting the garden

SheffieldJane on PMRGCAuk swears by her steamer ...
Steamer? Like a sauna or steam room? There’s both at my gym where I go to swim and they do help.
Lovely pic - be like me - I don’t do any ironing - I take stuff out machine as soon as it’s spun and hang it up to dry on hangers or on washing line xx
Half hour of ironing - once in a blue moon for me. 🤣 The simple things are never easy are they? I obvs needed some divine intervention to get me on my feet! And fancy it came in the form of a flood! Well now the flat is cleaned and spotless (minimalistic even). 😅
Well if I don’t iron the basket gets full and the wardrobe empty and with the cost of heating goin g up and up I do need to wear clothes 😉
I'm in Svs corner ironing for me either.line dry and folded or hung .only iron if is a real must.never heard of creases in socks sounds as bad as creases in jeans 😱 on that score I'm with pmrpro...he can do them himself.gorgous clematis BTW and ceanothus.i managed to cut the grass and that was all my spoons spent xxxx
My heart goes out to you. I had problems with ironing as my ribs and hips were hurting. I now pay £15 every fortnight to a lady for a black sack full of ironing. It’s a godsend. She has a bag given to her with hangers and the ironing comes back ready to go into the wardrobe. There are loads of people on Facebook advertising this service. I felt bad at first because I felt I should be doing it but it’s so much relief that I never have an ironing mountain any more. X
Prior to covid I worked full time and had an ironing lady but was made redundant September 2020 then injured my leg ( not illness related) October 2020 and due to covid it went untreated. I did get a scan April 2021 and a physio appt November 2021 and I’m still doing the exercises but have a permanent limp so returning to work aged 60 with a limp and ever more encroaching RA from Stills Disease is unlikely. So ironing has to be done 😉How are you getting on?

Today is the best day I’ve had for about a month. When I posted last my legs were swollen. Went to see GP as rheumatologist nurse said it for them to deal with. I was told legs were infected and it was all as a result of reducing steroids. I had antibiotics and antibiotic cream. Todays the day all the tablets etc have finished. So feeling better thanks. X I had two weeks of antibiotics in all. An area I hurt around my ankle last December was infected again and red and nasty. I don’t understand that because it seemed to have gone completely. I’ve also finished the vertigo tablets but am still dizzy all the time. Today, as I said, I have been feeling so much better. Antibiotics were making me feel sick, another tablet making me sleepy all the time. So today’s a good day. Sorry to hear what has happened to you. Hugs. X
Thank you, I was going to retire at 63 anyway so it’s not too bad just unfortunate that I injured my leg as so far we’ve done none of the walks or trips we planned due to the injury and I can’t use crutches due to the RA in wrists, elbows and shoulders . I hoping the exercise regime will return mobility and subdue the pain.Glad to hear you’re doing well and off some nasty meds. 😀
Good morning! Us ironer's need to stick together. It might be strange but I have always found ironing cathartic.😏 However, I do not iron things I do not have to. So I don't bother with underwear. Try not to let the pile get to you - I do 15 minutes then do another 15 minutes later. My son needs his shirts ironed for work and although he could do it himself (like you and hubby no doubt) I do my best to do them as it makes me feel happier that I have done it for him. A small but mighty boost to my self esteem! I think congratulations is in order for how beautiful your garden is! And how lovely to be able to sit outside and enjoy it.😘🌻
Yes short bursts are the way forward. Hubby does all the gardening although I’d love to help but my wrists are so sore and weak.Some times he’ll make holes for me to put bedding plants in the pots and puts them on the garden table so that I can sit pat them down and fiddle with them 😀makes me feel a bit like I’m actually gardening. 😄
Teamwork makes the garden grow.😘🌻
And so...move the most important thing to iron to the top of the pile and celebrate the mountain that is Iron Mountain and congratulate yourself on growing that gorgeous Clematis. We are participating in "No Mow May" and it has been amazing so far, the birds and the bees (the proper creatures) have been so wonderful to watch. As a yoga teacher I'm always preaching that you only have the here and the now; your next breath whether you are powerful or not, that's all we have. It's time to practice what I preach. Looks like you're already there. Btw an ironing tip I learned from my Aunt - if the pile bothers you - she used to put it in her car and go and get it as and when. If Mount Etna is a mountain, I can't see why Mount Iron can't be....🤔slow down your breath and look at that garden in all it's glorious detail. Namaste 🙏 🧘♀️❤
I'm doing No Mow May too CC🤗I found out that a single bee needs 5 daisies, 2 dandelions n 6 buttercups a day!! 🐝🦋 I've also learned that dandelions are the only flower to produce both nectar and pollen!! I'm finding it fascinating!! 💜🌈😽😽Xx
Wow. Thanks for that. Definitely feel like I'm doing a bit for the environment now. My husband built a bee hotel that we've called the Air Bee and Bee! Found out from the RSPB guy on Friday that hedgehogs have probably got about 8 years left before they're declared extinct. I can't get one apparently, my garden is too open and has a visiting badger. My younger son has one that lives in his urban garden and he comes back to be fed every evening. Thanks for your fascinating fact. My husband is well outside of his comfort zone about the grass until I told him about the Fascinating Facts.
We did have a hedgehog about 8 years ago but I’ve not seen it for years, we keep a hole in the fence for it in case it’s around somewhere
Learnt something new thank you
🐝 are wonderful 😀
You just continue to rest in your beautiful garden, housework will wait! Take care of you 🥰Im sending Big soft gentle hugs to you ♥️🥰
Thank you
Ironing?? What is this ironing you speak of? 😹You have a beautiful garden stills 🤗🌸🌷🌻you rest n enjoy the sunshine (I'm jealous!!) N if the ironing bothers you stop washing for a bit till u catch up 😉💜🌈😽😽xx
Lol, love that philosophy
“Mountain of ironing”?
I never do it. All clothing, dresses, skirts, shirts etc are all hung on my rotary line without creases so they never develop any.
My CFS dictates my new laundry philosophy.
All my clothes are ironing free.🤣
Your garden is so lovely and looks very soothing. I have learned to live with some wrinkles because I have had to, but was an avid ironer. After breaking the main neck bone and wrist 2 years ago, it kind of became impossible for a long time. My dryer exploded recently - that was fun - and i got a new dryer. I just discovered a wrinkle free button and it really seemed to help. I was very excited. I totally understand the wanting to have wrinkle free clothes.
Healing hugs and happy clothes.
Thanks Pumpkin, I don’t have a tumble drier but love to line dry in the good weather.Is your neck healed now?
I already had neck problems, but considering what happened I feel really lucky. I can't turn my head very well so I hardly drive. Since I already had neck pain, I was used to it.The wrist had a really hard time healing and is not very strong . It probably should have had surgery, but the neck was the main focus. Both are quite deformed looking, but not much to do about that. At the time, it was really scary. But it was an accident with Gigi and the leash and she brings me so much joy.
Healing hugs.