Cutie time again: Hello everyone Just thought id... - LUPUS UK


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Cutie time again

misty14 profile image
26 Replies

Hello everyone

Just thought id post this cute foal who is a Carrneddau pony foal in Snowdonia. The Park's 300 ponies are semi-,feral and may date back as far as the Bronze Age . He's part of an important generation and i think he has a lovely face. Hope you all agree.

Hope the wind and rain didnt affect you too much today although we're quickly in Autumn now!. 🍂🍁🍂

Keep well and safe as possible.


P.s, i had a letter at last from my Rheumy Dept that ,as i suspected , said they don't do feet injections as too specialised. Podiatry should be doing it , it said , so on Mon i must chase up my appt with them as it hasnt come thru. 6-8 weeks wasted and my gp said get cross!. Xx

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misty14 profile image
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26 Replies
GloomyEeyore profile image

Oh he is a real cutie 🥰 Haven’t heard of Carrneddau ponies.

Weather here was awful today and so cold. I spent the day at home. Put my winter duvet on my bed then watched a couple of episodes of Line Of Duty!

I really hope you can get an appointment with podiatry soon. You have been suffering with your feet for too long.

Take care and stay safe 🌈 ❤️ 💐

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to GloomyEeyore

Thanks so much ge for your lovely message and support. So glad you liked the foal. They're very special ponies like the Exmoor and Dartmoor ones!. Today was really autumnal feeling here too. Summer seems so fleeting!.

I hope you get more help for your pain when you see your gp soon. 🤞.

I hope i can sort out podiatry as i think something's gone wrong with my appt. I do wonder if foot will ever be sorted!. I will do another update next week.

Are you watching the latest series of Line of Duty?. Its a good program but a phrasebook would be helpful with some of the abbreviations!. Ha ha!.

Keep warm and well. Xx🐴❤🤞🐴❤🤞

GloomyEeyore profile image
GloomyEeyore in reply to misty14

Oh I know about Dartmoor pony. Was on holiday at my Great Aunt in Plymouth when I was 7. We went on a day trip that took us to Dartmoor. The ponies are allowed to wander free and one came up and kicked me on the back of the leg 😣

I’m still on series 5 of Line of Duty so one series to go after this one. Have watched four and a half series in about 4 weeks! Never watched it when it was first on so now binge watching off iPlayer with Mum! Xx 🐴 🌈 👮🏻‍♀️

ExtremeDuvetDaze profile image

Aww he is a cutie pie, Bronze Age wow that is a long line back, how wonderful . I didn’t know there were wild ponies in Snowdonia!

So sorry you’ve got to chase up podiatry, let’s hope you have more luck next week.

Thanks for your lovely email Helen, would you believe I didn’t get to speak to my consultant, she was on emergency leave and it was the registrar who couldn’t answer my queries so now he’ll speak to her and said she’ll call me in a few days, well I think we can be pretty sure that won’t happen, it’ll be a case of waiting and I’ll ending up chasing it up while all the time the weeks are passing by! like you I feel very frustrated😣

Strictly was very good wasn’t it, I wonder who’ll be out, they all deserve to stay in longer don’t they?

Will email in the week lovely, good luck for Monday 🤞

Big hugs 🤗 💕🥰 🐴 💕xx

Ps. Hopefully getting my Covid booster in the week plus the flu jab, not sure how I feel about having both at the same time 😬

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to ExtremeDuvetDaze

Hello lovely dianne, im so sorry your consultant didnt ring you but the registrar!. Afterall your struggling on the phone to get it, that had to happen!. Its so cruel but it does make me feel better its not just me. You know what will happen, Sod's Law, she'll ring you when your out at your jabs appt!. 😪.

Good luck for that lovely. Hope you'll be ok . Im not sure about it either but we have no choice. My parents have theirs at weekend and their not sure either. Its a lot to have in one go!.

Will be thinking of you dianne in between sorting out podiatry and rheumatology appt's. Its exhausting!.

No rush to reply, just when you feel up to it. Glad Strictly was good, we're watching it this afternoon. Big hugs and lots of luck for phone call. 🤞Xx🐴🍂🦔❤

P.s. i didnt know Snowdonia had ponies either

ExtremeDuvetDaze profile image
ExtremeDuvetDaze in reply to misty14

Thanks Helen, yes it would be Sod’s law to miss her call or she’ll ask for another appointment and it’ll be weeks! Hope you enjoyed strictly this afternoon. I’ll have everything crossed for you this week.

Catch up in the week.

Big hugs lovely 💕🥰💃🕺🏻🍁🍂xxx

TeaandToast94 profile image

Blimey Misty what an utter shambles on your injection. As you said, time wasted. I think some people have no clue what to do with us and we’re passed from pillar to post in the mean time. Absolutely get cross, it’s not good enough!

Thank you for the lovely photo. So adorable and I definitely needed it to brighten my day this morning ❤️

Really hope you are sorted soon, I know we’re all fed up of carrying on with pain!

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to TeaandToast94

Thank you tea and toast for your lovely message of support.

I must admit i am fed up coping with a lot of pain and restriction with this foot and the podiatrist could have done the injection weeks ago!. Now i must chase his appt as i think somethings gone wrong, it wont be difficult to get cross!.

Im sorry you needed the pic to lift you.

Have you heard anything about your referral?. It all takes such a long time now and its hard when we're suffering!.

I hope you have a better week . Stay safe. Xx

TeaandToast94 profile image
TeaandToast94 in reply to misty14

Still nothing, thank you for asking. Every day I check the Mail in hope! And I know they’re probably busy but the end of this week will be a month since it supposedly went in, at which point I’ll be getting in touch directly and asking for an update.

Absolutely understand that you’re uncomfortable! Fingers crossed you are moved quickly through this queue to be seen ASAP!

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to TeaandToast94

Oh tea and toast i really can relate to watching the phone and post hoping for the appt and then the let down when it doesnt come!. It is so demoralising when help is badly needed!.

Its a good idea to chase as its been a month just to make sure your on the waiting list and referral is there!. Also we feel we're doing something positive to move it along.

My podiatry appt is a follow up one and i was promised in 8 weeks and it hasnt come for Oct. I do think somethings gone wrong!.

🤞 tightly crossed you hear something. Take care. Xx🐴❤🤞🐴

CecilyParsley profile image

Noooo!!! 🤯🤬What utter incompetence to leave you suffering. I am so angry for you lovely. It is not good enough gggrr. I love this photo such a beautiful face. Please kick ass tomorrow and let us know how you get on xxx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to CecilyParsley

Thanx so much cecily for your support. Really do appreciate it. 🤞 podiatry will come good tomorrow. I will do another update at the weekend.

Hope your bruises are going down. Not long lovely to your physio appt. Whoop, whoop!.

Strictly was good, Shirley was better this week but very unfair to put those two in the dance off. Sad seeing nadia go as i thought she'd do well. Lovely Sara having such a good time and Anton's offer!.

Have a better week lovely and keep safe. Xx

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to misty14

You are very welcome, it is atrocious. I have had a very busy week for me. Birthday Monday so out for dinner. Tuesday bloods, BP clinic, flu jab followed by my grocery delivery. Wednesday was pottery class where I painted my wonky toadstool. Thursday was an assessment with a well-being lady who referred me for more counselling. Friday was a telephone consultation with CAB. Then I made two sourdough loaves and two mushroom lasagnas. Saturday I made sourdough pizza and an apple and custard cake. Today I have crashed. I have two big lumps under my shoulder bruise and my chest is now a yellow colour. I have a lump on my knee still and bruises on my bum, hand and arms. I just hope that I get less stiff soon. Thanks for asking xxx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to CecilyParsley

Do hope cecily you will post a pic of your wonky toadstool. I bet its gorgeous. Wow!. What a week. Hope this one is quieter for you. Take Care. Xx

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to misty14

It looks like a pre school project lol but I will do just to give everyone a giggle xxx🍄🍄🍄

Horsewhisper profile image

Lovely cutie pic Misty! They must be a tough breed to have survived since the Bronze Age! I have a pony with Welsh breeding in him - he’s as tough as old boots and I’ve never had to call the vet out to him.I feel for you with foot pain, I’ve got necrosis of the metatarsals in my right foot due to a lack of blood supply to the bones (all part of having vasculitis) so I hobble about a bit. Luckily I found some sprung stirrups so it’s not too painful to ride! Hope you get your appointment soon and keep posting the cutie pics! 😍😍😍

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Horsewhisper

Lovely to see you popping up horsewhisper. I thought it was time we had a horse pic and hoped you would see it. I thought the foal's face was lovely and it's wonderful you have a hardy horse with welsh breeding in him. A wonderful record of fitness, your looking after him so well.

Your foot sounds so painful and something else to have to put up with. Mine is similar in that its the metatarsals but its inflammation in the tiny space between pressing on a nerve. Who would have thought so much could go wrong with our feet?. I certainly didnt before all this and took them so forgranted!.

Its wonderful you've a special stirrup so you can still ride. How much riding do you manage?. It must be painful putting pressure on your foot!. It is for me.

Im about to phone podiatry so i will post an update at the weekend with another pic. Im so pleased you all like them so much.

Have a good week and thank you for your lovely wishes. Keep safe. Xx🐴❤🤞🐴❤

Pumpkin2009 profile image

misty, Thank you for the cute pic. You are so special for finding such nice pics to cheer us all up, especially with your foot pain. It is just so horrible to think about all this time waiting for the injection that will help.

Healing hugs.

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Pumpkin2009

Thank you pumpkin so much for your lovely messages of support. Im so glad you like the 'cutie pics' as i love finding them. Its a lovely distraction from the pain!. Im ringing podiatry tomorrow to see whats happened to my appt. Will do an update at weekend with another 'cutie pic'.

Do hope your feeling better and keep safe this week. Xx🐴❤🐴🤞🐴❤🐴❤🤞

svfarmer profile image

The pony foal looks so cute and yes he he the most sweetest face.

The weather has been awful hasn’t it - it’s been a job to get Bea & Mira out for a wee in the garden - we have to shout squirrel - we get loads in our garden and they are always chasing them so then they run out 😂

So sorry to hear about your foot injection Misty - sending hugs 🤗🤗💕

Pumpkin2009 profile image
Pumpkin2009 in reply to svfarmer

Hi! I love that you shout squirrel. Right before Gigi goes out, I yell no more squirrels because they tease her and then jump into a tree. Right now they are gathering for winter and seem to be everywhere. How are you doing?

Healing hugs.

svfarmer profile image
svfarmer in reply to Pumpkin2009

Yes the squirrels are all burying their nuts in our grass- like you say they are everywhere- I’m doing really well thanks apart from flaring abit at the moment but trying to get my fitness up abit at the moment - went on cross trainer got 10 mins yesterday and my legs are aching a lot today - I know I haven’t been on it for 2 months , but still 😂 how are you doing ? Xx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to svfarmer

Thanks for your lovely message svfarmer. Im ringing the hospital tomorrow for podiatry appt. Glad you liked the foal. Hasnt the weather changed quickly. Squirrels have been very active in our garden this year. Wonder if we'll get a cold winter if they're burying nuts!?!.

I shall think of you shouting Squirrel at bea and mira to get them outside. Thats lovely!. 😀.

More updates at the weekend. It just goes on for us. Have a 'squirrel free ' week. Xx

svfarmer profile image
svfarmer in reply to misty14


misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to svfarmer


Spotty-ewe profile image

Aww, what a real cutie he is. 😍 Yes, I love his face too and he looks so cuddly with ears a red squirrel would be proud of! 😆 He is simply adorable.🥰Oh what a waste of 6-8 weeks waiting for something that wasn’t going to happen with Rheumy! I wish you luck tomorrow Misty and hope you are prioritised 🙏🏻given the unneccesary long wait you’ve had. Take care. Love and hugs 🤗😘xxx

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