I did a silly thing, but deliberately today. After the bad rheumatology appointment last week where I was told I didn't have the classic skin reactions typical to lupus - I did explain that I'm usually ok because I wear factor fifty, keep covered up and take strong prescription anti histamines to stop it, I felt compelled to prove that I certainly do. I know it was stupid, but I wanted some proof for when I visit the GP. I only get the rash now if I miss a bit of suncream somewhere, or am in it for longer than usual ( I try not to ever be in it for long as it makes me feel really poorly now; headaches, weakness, flu symptoms the following days etc) Anyway, I don't know that the pictures are that clear, but to say it's October and I spent about thirty mins outside with sun in and out of shade.... I never get those disc type reactions, it's always like nettle rash or bright red to dark red raised pimples etc.
Photosensitive Reaction.: I did a silly thing, but... - LUPUS UK
Photosensitive Reaction.

Starts like this.
Yes, this is similar to what I used to get. I'm more careful now of course! 🤪 My redness used to turn into a slightly lumpy rash, sometimes with blisters that became small sores.
I don't like wearing sunscreen or anything that I can feel sitting on my skin so I now stick with an Spf50+ foundation makeup on my face and covering up elsewhere. Or I don't go out or I sit carefully shaded.
I've become even more careful in the last 10 years as I had an extreme reaction to Majorcan sun one year that caused a disfiguring rash and sent me down the steroid path of treatment and regular dermatology appointments. I still take those steroids and have lesions of varying degrees almost all the time.
I can understand your frustration and you already realise that the rash leads to other systemic problems. I have never had a typical malar rash on my face but was diagnosed with lupus around 35 years ago.
Hopefully this experiment helps you make your point. We've probably all come across doctors who only see the obvious and don't think past that. ☺️
Yes, that's exactly it FandNnanThe redness turns to red bumps, and feels sore. Sometimes it sinks back into an eczema type rash, but never know If that's a progression from the itching? I'm sorry to hear about that experience in Majorca, it's bad enough in the UK and that sounds absolutely horrendous.
Genuinely didn't think I'd still have this reaction in October.
I spent a whole year with red neck rash the same as yours. I don't wear low or necks. Rheumatologist said it was inflammation from lupus. It's less red on my neck but my cheeks have the rash more now.. I think neck rash just like cheek rash is a classic lupus thing. Mine was winter and summer. Mine would itch on and off.
Hi dg70I get the rash wherever the sun touches my body if I'm not wearing sunscreen or taking antihistamines. And I get a few hours grace, so if I'm absolutely stuck outside and I don't reapply after a couple of hours then it still gets through, though I do all I can to not be outside now as it makes me feel so ill. Usually starts as an intense tickle on the skin first, then goes red and bumpy into hives, then after about 24 hours the itchiness stops unless the skin gets warm and it comes back. Takes several days for the bumps to settle back, sometimes longer if it was really bad
However, my neck was different. Had a bit of a tingle that told me it was begining , but then it progressed to redness then hive type bumps without the itch. It itched later in the night though so I'm wondering if that's because I was warm, or because this was a milder reaction re weather? My rashes used to come at the end of the day as a teenager, now they're sooner. I'm only pleased I didn't try this 'experiment' in the summer.
Oh no bless youMine typically doesn't itch much got one upper back where couldn't reach out sun cream block in emergency hospital admission.
Now scaly
He should have understood wear sunblock to avoid lupus rash and flare
Bless you take care
Hi soul22 This one my neck feels dry and it's a bit itchy, but when I get it on my arms and legs it itches like hell. Does your reaction not itch at all wherever you get it?
HiOk not unless goes to hives face does that
It feels hot bright red feel sick when so hot.
In beginning face so inflamed dermatologist gave steroids cream I looked like lobster.
Not much itching but we all different
Drug reaction I prickle get hives till drug removed system
I have very pruritic skin though generally do I probably wouldn't notice hence hard to describe.
Sorry not much help
No, I find it all very interesting in terms of how everything can be similar in many ways but affect everyone differently, taking out the horribleness of it all obviously.I too get itchy allergy whole body responses to drugs. Ive had about thirty uti's since about 2003 with the majority during 2009 - 2014, became allergic to trimethoperim after using it several times first. Had severe itchiness over my entire body. Have antibiotics at home now for UTIs as no cause was found. Low white cell counts , but wouldn't be that of course lol. Had very bad response to the pill when the doctor stated this would be early perimenopause back in 2013. That was quite horrid; persistent nausea, retching, vomiting after a couple of months etc.