I have been told it is 95% certain that I have Lupus. The hospital are still confused as raised antibodies and symptoms are saying Lupus but the Lupus test has come back negative. Seeing Consultant in 4 wks. Has anyone else had results like this?
Help Please?: I have been told it is 95% certain... - LUPUS UK
Help Please?

for five years the doctors were convinced that my wife had an under active thyroid gland issue and because lupus is such a wide and varied condition it is hard to pinpoint the exact condition.
hi becky, yes i am very much in the same situation as you. some tests point towards lupus, others comming back negative. but my symptoms point to lupus and i also have stiff person syndrome and apparently there is a known linked between both illness. my consultant has started me on hydroxy. because lupus is such a complex illness, i think it can sometimes be difficult for doctors to give a deffinate diagnosis if some blood results come back negitive. i know how hard this must be for you, i hope you get some clear answers soon.
sending you love and smiles, nerri
Thank you Nerri. The first person who fully understands! Its hard to fight when you don't know what your fighting. Keep in touch.
yes becky my thoughts exactly. iv said to my husband, since this has started how hard it is to fight when i dont know what i am up against. its been almost three years now since i first became ill. totally out of the bloo, i woke up with pains in my legs and fatigue that was so bad i couldnt get out of bed. since then i have continued to get worse and develope a whole range of symptoms. firstly i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, then cfs/me, then in march i was dx with stiff person syndrome and now lupus. nothing is ever clear cut and i find this very difficult to deal with. in my eyes i either have it or i dont, but i am learning it really isnt that simple. so hang on in there lovely, im hope you will get some answers soon, but just wanted to say that i understand what you are going through.
love and smiles
My bloods came back borderline, the rhuematologist will know by symptoms. X
That's what I've been told. You don't have to have a positive result for the consultant to diagnose Lupus
I too had a negative result (skin biopsy), but was still diagnosed with Lupus- Dr & head dermatologists say i'm a ''text book Lupus case'- & that, is without them even knowing all my medical history!!! (I went for an emergency Dr appointment when I was living away from my home town)
Please listen to yourself, you know your body better than anyone! & never be 'fobbed off' by any medic!
Good luck :0)
Hi there Becky. I hope you find some help and support here. Just like most people with Lupus I have spent years having blood tests which are sometimes positive, sometimes negative and sometimes downright contradictory. It's the nature of our condition unfortunately; not to be easily diagnosed by some simple test. Listen to your own body and don't let the docs put you off. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc. but there's always an outside chance it's something else so keep an open mind about the whole spectrum of auto-immune conditions.
Take care.