Mrs Cropley’s Cyber Drive-Thru - homemade hot dri... - LUPUS UK


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Mrs Cropley’s Cyber Drive-Thru - homemade hot drink creations!

Horsewhisper profile image
26 Replies

Hello everyone, no Costa or Starbucks for our family due to shielding, so thought I’d get creative and make our own! This afternoon we have “The Purple One” (named by Costa after the choco-hazelnut- caramel Quality Street sweetie💜.) I went slightly off-piste in true Mrs Cropley style and made a hot chocolate with it rather than a latte! It’s made with my homemade Nutella, homemade caramel, clotted cream, 2 types of chocolate powder and full fat milk from the farm up the road. And to finish it off - a big splodge of squirty cream and shavings of Green & Blacks 70% choc on the top. I must was pretty nice! 😋 Tuck in and whet your taste buds ready for next week’s Cropley-copy-cat coffee - a remake of Terry’s Chocolate Orange sweetie into a latte! Yum! Enjoy! 😘🤗😘

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Horsewhisper profile image
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26 Replies
CecilyParsley profile image

OMG, that looks amazing!!! It would not be as nice with my soya milk I am sure 😋😋😋😋😋😋

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to CecilyParsley

I could make a dairy free one with vegan chocolate and vegan caramel maybe? Yes I’ll give that a go and let you know CP! Hope you are feeling a bit better today? 🤗😘🤗

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to Horsewhisper

Oh that is wonderful, let me know how it goes and I will give it a go thank you ❤️. I was feeling less wheezy last night after my second nebuliser but I have woken up wheezing like mad. So after breakfast I will have to use it again. Clearly the inhalers they have me on now...changed from what I told them worked for me for more modern ones, are not working. Honestly I wish they would listen xxx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to CecilyParsley

It’s a shame when they don’t listen, especially when you know what works for you. It’s tough enough having to cope with a debilitating health condition without having to argue the toss about what meds suit you better. I hope you get back on the inhalers that work for you soon and sorry to hear that you have to go through this. Big strength vibes coming your way (fuelled by yesterday’s hot chocky drink delight!) 💪🙏😘🤗😘

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to Horsewhisper

Thank you I have just had yet another frustrating conversation with the receptionist. I wanted to be an asthma review. She said no slots available until January 🤬. I told her my asthma is not controlled can I speak to the asthma nurse for advice please. What is it in relation to she asked 🙄 My asthma I said. She said sorry you have to speak to a Doctor about that, someone will ring you back on 22 nd December 😳. I told her not good enough. Eventually after a very terse conversation I now have a GP calling me back on 25th November Call us back if you get worse she said. Honestly if I get worse I will just call the damned ambulance. So disgraceful that someone asking for help before they get worse is denied access. I am getting my flu jab on Thursday so I will have a word with the nurse then. It really is not good enough xxx

svfarmer profile image

Omg when can I come round for one of those 😂

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to svfarmer

Anytime! We could consider it an “essential” journey - all to help with well-being during lockdown 2.0? It’s a drive-thru so no need to get out of the car!! 😂 🍫 🚙 😘🤗😘

stiff19 profile image

Omg what are you doing to us 😂😂😂👍

Not to mention you’re putting me to shame, our hot choc is powder and hot milk 😂 pushing the boat out occasionally with a marshmallow or two. Dare I show my daughter this 🤔😂

Fantastic and can’t wait for next weeks, my taste buds are truly wetted😋😋

Hope you’re well as can be and your trip to mums good 👍😘🤗xx

Spotty-ewe profile image

Looks fabulous and totally delicious Horsewhisper! 😋 I would enjoy and should tolerate yours with your home-made and natural ingredients. The instant varieties give me a whopper of a migraine which lasts 2 days!😫 But your creation looks wonderful and I’d love to try it! 😍🤩 👍🏻👍🏻 I hope you had a great time away seeing your Mum. 🤗😘

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Spotty-ewe

Thanks Spotty! Yes I try and make most things from scratch then I know exactly what’s gone into it - as natural, organic and local as possible and I always reduce the sugar in every recipe for health benefits, especially whilst on steroids! Had a lovely time at my mum’s, she’s in her 80’s and fiercely independent - so not too much of a worry - she loves my carrot & beetroot cake and that keeps her going! Hope you are ok with everything at the moment? Has the woodland clearing activities ceased nearby for the winter? Keep safe and well 😘🤗😘

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Horsewhisper

Oooh, your creations sound wonderfully healthy and very tasty too I bet with all those lovely natural ingredients. I try to do the same but when feeling fatigued am guilty of taking short cuts and resorting to frozen ingredient like diced onion which saves a lot of time and tears. 😂😂

So pleased to hear your Mum is doing well and your nutritious carrot and beetroot cake will be like a meal in itself. 😋👍🏻 Yes, I reduce the amount of sugar too as my Mum was type 2 Diabetic I’m trying to avoid becoming the same. I lost myMum not long after her 80th birthday 14 years ago and I still miss her terribly. I was her carer for the last 2 years of her life. She was a feisty lady right to the end saying to the nurses when she was in HDU “Open the curtains please, I’m not dead yet!” 🤦‍♀️

Yes, the woodland clearing has stopped for the present thankfully and they have started to prepare for replanting in the areas that were felled. There was a bit of a cover-up over the felling that took place within a few metres of a badger sett, but my local councillor thinks I’ve rattled some bars and that they’ll be more careful next time.👍🏻👍🏻 Let’s hope so for the sake of our wildlife.🤞🤞

Keep safe and as well as you can be Horsewhisper. 🙏🏻

Love and hugs 🤗😘x

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Spotty-ewe

Lovely to hear from you Spotty - yes that older generation are certainly stoic and crack on regardless, I have lots of admiration for their attitude! Love what your mum said in HDU - I bet the nurses did too! Glad to hear there has been some plans for replanting and nothjng like kicking up a fuss to make a valid point. If we don’t try and protect the wildlife then who will? A neighbouring farm traps crows and puts them in cages on the edge of fields with no food or water to act as a deterrent to other crows to keep way from the crops I suppose. So we go and let them out! We have Mr & Mrs Edelweiss living in our garden - they are such clever creatures that I can’t bear for their family to be treated in this way. Wildlife Warriors - that’s us! Anyway, just pottering around and enjoying the peace of this second lockdown. Hope you are taking it easy too - and managing to do some nice things. Take care too! 😘🤗😘

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Horsewhisper

Yes, Mum kept the nurses amused right up until she came home to spend her last hours in her own home. That generation were/are amazing.💗

I pointed out to the Wildlife Crimes Officer, and Forestry Scotland official I dealt with that it was a good idea to encourage the public to report anything they think might be a crime against wildlife and to thank them for doing so saying that they’d look into it and get back to them. Instead you are made to feel like a trouble-maker and a fool because they seem determined to prove everything you’ve said to be wrong. The Forestry Scotland official wrote back and said he’d taken that on board and would try to improve his response to members of the public raising concerns in the future. I told him I respected and admired him for that and we parted on friendly terms. The Wildlife Crimes Officer on the other hand never replied. Hopefully it will alter his attitude in future though because as I pointed out they need the public to report anything they think is wrong if our wildlife is to be protected.

What your neighbouring farmer is doing sounds illegal to me as well as horribly cruel. 😩 Hasn’t he heard of crow deterrents which sound like a gun going off every 10 mins or so? Thank goodness the crows have an ally in your family! They are indeed very intelligent creatures. Mr and Mrs E are lucky to have your place as a sanctuary. Yes our wildlife needs more warriors like your family and mine.

Good to hear you are keeping amused during your lockdown. We aren’t in lockdown here but my visit to the surgery for my kidney function test on Monday was the first outing since my ENT appt on 20th October! So these restrictions don’t make a lot of difference to me.

I’m doing a little knitting, a little sewing, a little cooking/baking as well as some gardening and short walks of around 2 miles when weather allows. But I’m looking forward to seeing more of your creations Mrs C when you have the time. Hoping your family both human and furry or feathery are all keeping well. 🙏🏻

Take care. 🤗😘x

honeybug profile image

Mmmm looks yummy Hw.


EJ 😊🤗💗😘🙏🕊🌿🌸🦋

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to honeybug

Thank you EJ - it was pretty delicious - and filling!! 💜🍫🤗😘🤗

honeybug profile image
honeybug in reply to Horsewhisper

Blissful comfort food 😍😍😍 mm mm good!!!

EJ 🥰

Krazykat26 profile image

You're not Mrs cropley're some kind of temptress ( like that woman who seductively licks the spoon!) 😋😉

What r u doing to us?? 😋😹

That hot choc looks absolutely divine!! Thank u thank u thank u!! 🙏🌈😽😽Xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Krazykat26

I am naughty! 😈 and I do like to create a bit of mischief in my kitchen, especially when it’s cold and wet outside! Trying to make the most of this second lockdown by doing stuff I haven’t done before (pebble painting next for Stiff and I might sand down a few horse shoes to paint and see what you think KK?) My sewing isn’t up to much but might try my hand at a few Chrissy decs? November is going to be busy! Hope you are good at the mo? Take care KK 😘🤗😘

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Horsewhisper

Oh yes u are naughty..but I like ya!! 😹

You really r going for it this lockdown n it's great to learn new skills..I've been making pompoms lately!! Haven't made them since I was a kid!!

One word of caution if you're gonna prep some horseshoes..the way that hubby cleans them is by wire brushing..always wear a mask, eye covering, n gloves coz those iron filings get everywhere!! Be extra safe..ok?

That's it lecture over 🤭I look forward to seeing your creations HW..this is the great thing about this site..we can keep each other going through the dark times!! 🌈😽😽Xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Krazykat26

Ooh thanks KK! Trying to keep the grey matter ticking over and also I’m a bit house- and-garden bound atm as I’m not able to drive due to a DVLA ruling....I’ll post about it later. Yeah - trying to create some light during this murky phase!

Anyway thanks for top tip re:horseshoes - can borrow hubby’s chainsaw goggles when brushing them down. Would enamel paints work on them? Hope you are ok? 🐎🙏🤗😘🤗

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to Horsewhisper

Sorry to hear that u can't drive at the mo HW 😔 but we can be house bound together during these dark times eh? 🤗

Yes enamel paints r what I first used to paint horseshoes (when I could use brushes) but the one that I posted up here was done with those acrylic paint pens!! Stiff told me about them n they work a treat!! We rub the shoe down n then base paint them with black hammerite first..then it's painting time!! I look forward to seeing all your creations 🌈😽😽xx

Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Krazykat26

Oh great! I can use the same paints I bought for painting the pebbles then! We’ve probably got hammerite in the shed somewhere too. I’ll be so busy being creative that when I get my licence back, I won’t have time to drive anywhere!! 😂 how nice will that be! Yeah it’s good to have some pals staying put - we can always make our own fun! Thanks KK you cheered me up today 😂😘🤗😘

Horsewhisper profile image

Glad you like it Stiff - I bet your daughter would love it too! My kids thought it was ace and are bombarding me with more recipes - Christmas Cake latte is now on the list! It’s a nice distraction from the usual health stuff and creates delight which is always a feel good factor. Had a good trip to mum’s, she was in good form and we collected loads of pebbles to paint. That’s my next lockdown activity - to burn off some creative calories from these mega Cropley Creations! Hope you are ok too and your daughter is alright with the stuff at school. Take care 🤗😘🤗

stiff19 profile image
stiff19 in reply to Horsewhisper

I bet the kids think you're ace too, which of course you are😁yes I'm with you on the distraction from health stuff, we need it at times for sanity.great to hear your mum in good form and look forward to the pebbles you're going to paint👍.Not bad thanks, yes daughter ok after being reprimanded for not taking her mask off in class (school policy is that its optional to keep on in class) but one teacher decided she didn't want them worn in class incase children were talking behind them😡then in pe she was told halfway through netball game to swap bibs with a girl to change teams and she refused so got bollocking (can I say that here?) . So much for taking every precaution and safety measures ay, I'm glad she stood her ground.

Hope you are as well as can be sorry about restricted license , I'm wondering if mine will be due to eyes if /when I'm seen.

look forward to more Crowley inspired creations. stay strong/safe 😘🤗x

MEGS53 profile image

Only a few calories then - love it!!

Horsewhisper profile image

So kind Stiff! Us Aces need to do it for the kids - I think they can take all this current health stuff on board, yet I try not to overly worry them - hence my kitchen creations to act as a cunning distraction! We had a similar netball encounter - daughter asked the sports teacher why they weren’t sanitising the balls before putting them away ready for the next year group and the teacher looked a bit surprised and said it would be done “later”. Funnily enough I got a call the next day from the deputy head reassuring me that the netballs would be sanitised between each session! (They know we’re on the shielded family list so they did the right thing, which is good.) it’s good how the kids are aware and aren’t afraid to speak up, a useful life skill for sure. Yes have started the appeal for licence return, not sure how long it will take, but not a bad time not to drive, at least I can have a go at doing other things that I wouldn’t normally have the time for! More Cropley Creations this weekend! Will post for your enjoyment! 😋💕🌟🤗😘🤗

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