Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a while....just haven't been in the right head space and didn't want to come on here and lay my self distructive self defeitest attitude at everyone's doorsteps as you are all going through enough yourselves. So I'll try to remain calm and logical as I type. Lol
Does anyone know of a good private lupus specialist in the midlands I can go and see please?
I know my gp is overwhelmed and doing their best to protect me from going back to work at my supermarket because it's just to dangerous for my health. I also agree with them to however much id like to go back to work. I'd like to live more. Lol. My gp is going the extra mile for me. However my rheumy is useless. He's ignored my now out of control shaking. Was in one finger now in most of body. Can't hold a drink most days. I'm 48!! He read one article one day saying if you have no positive ana bloods you don't have lupus. We all know that's not true and the top rheumy doesn't agree with that paper either. However my rheumy is now questioning if I have lupus now. It's took 16 years to be diagnosed he is not taking it away on a whim! I will definitely loose my job as they will think lieing.
I have worsening pain in skin ,joint ,bones. My mobility is declining every week. I lost 4.5 stone blead Internally for months, my sugars have been 14 to 16 I shake I'm numb get pins and needles the list goes on and on. I bruise my legs hurt all the time. I can not and will not live like this anymore. 16 years of being told everything you all get told. Iv had enough. Iv watched mom for 31 years now being mis diagnosed to now find out she has a rare immune disease. Bit late now she is blind and bed ridden! I'm not going to exists like that. I wouldn't let a dog suffer like that either. That's my feelings guys. Not saying anything. Anyway I am moping now. Anyone who could recommend someone is much appreciated. Thanks for listening guys. Just know I do read your posts every day and they give me great strength and comfort so thank you everyone.