How many of us here and with other long term health problems are tee'd off with the way we are being treated?
I know I am.
Little to no access to consultants unless it's via a phone call.
If you end up in A&E a doctor who knows nothing about your illness or medical history and after blood tests and whatever says everything is "normal" BUT? And wants to prescribe medications and tells you that you should ask your GP for a referral?
Is this really the way we have to go to get the help we actually need?
I know that there is this thing called Covid19.
But it's not the only thing in the world or though you wouldn't think so.
Referral? Are they having a laugh? With everything else put on hold including some cancer and heart patients along with heaven knows what. Plus waiting lists growing with new and existing patients.
And to cap it off news reports saying hospital specialist working at 50 percent.
Is that because they are paying more attention to those who are fed up with waiting and choosing to go private?
Don't jump on me please as most if not all of my consultants at the hospital I have to attend have private patients who are either fed up with waiting but can afford to pay to jump the que and then get to see the consultant quicker who then puts them on the NHS so that they don't have to pay any more.
That leaves those of us who don't have the money waiting even longer.
Getting to the point of not liking these doctors who play private and NHS at the same hospital which is supposed to be NHS but at the same time treat private patients and in the same building.
How many of you have had to be a inpatient and seen on the wards single rooms? Did you know that you have to book these single rooms?
Only private patients can do this but it's a NHS teaching university hospital.
Sorry for the rant. Feeling shyte and totally tee'd off with the two tier quality of care in a NHS hospital.
I can understand that people want/need a diagnosis, we all do. But it should not be at the same hospital with the same staff and not a University Hospital with doctors and staff working for the NHS and being subsidised by the NHS.
Sorry if anyone is offended but this is what is happening at the NHS trust hospital that I have to attend. It really is a 2 tiered system.
Oh as to the one person rooms on the wards? When I ended up having to stay in I asked if I could get a room to myself and the response was had I booked one.
Since when can NHS patients book a room in hospital?