Time to End Devolved NHS - NOW! - Petition? - LUPUS UK


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Time to End Devolved NHS - NOW! - Petition?

Ceri-NorthWales profile image
11 Replies

Hi all,

If anything proves that devolved NHS doesn't work it is COVID-19 crisis.

We have the NHS which is healthcare for all - no discrimination. However, devolved NHS means this is not the case and we have a postcode NHS and dependant upon where you live depends on the care and treatment that is availlable and recieve.

In terms of COVID-19:

- NHS England patients geting letters and texts

- NHS England patients - SLE named as high-high risk

- 250,000 NHS volunteers recruited - NHS England ONLY

For NHS Scotland, Wales and NI - we don't matter.

NHS Wales - SLE not named as high risk - just found out from GP.

So NHS England patients with SLE, you are to self-isolate for 12 weeks as you are high to very high risk. NHS Wales, you also have SLE, but you are not high risk. You stay in slef isolation for as long as we are in lockdown or if you or a member of your household as symptoms.

In Terms of Rheumatology Care & Treatment

NHS Wales doesn't get it's fair share of rheumatology funding. My story is well documented on here as are many others. This puts us in danger and we don't get the proper care or treatment.

NHS Wales - no infusion therapy like NHS England

No Centres of Excellence in NHS Wales.

Many people in Wales are very close to the Wale/England bordrer, but are forced to go to hospitals far further away than the nearest ospital, just down the road, over the border.

There are many other examples I can give to end devolved NHS. And as NHS England is the only part of the NHS that doesn't have free presciptions, NHS England needs to have free prescriptions and free hospital parking.

Apologies for not mentioning NHS Scotland or NHS NI much, but unfortunately I don't know much. Please feel free to share your experince and educate me.

It would be something if there was a 'baseline' of NHS Healthcare that all Healthboards and Trusts must meet as a minimum. This doesn't seem the case. It should be no matter where you live you are entirled, and recieve, the same healthcare as someone in the next town or the other side of the country.

Time to end devolved NHS. We are one country. We are all in this together. We should all be helping each other in any way we can. So why the division?

Stronger together ❤ Better together

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Ceri-NorthWales profile image
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11 Replies

That’s so awful and I am sorry you and others are going through this. It only takes one person to effect a change. 💪 I’m sure you’ll find support! Well done Ceri👏👏👏

whisperit profile image

I dont know what's going on with the specific situation about risk letters.

But I agree on the general point that it seems completely wrong that we pay the same taxes as our English counterparts without getting access to the same services.

Of course, NHS England benefits from the economies of scale that enable them to maintain centres of excellence for less common disorders like ours. The main problem for us is that because of the internal market, patients treated in Wales (or Scotland, or Northern Ireland) must be paid for with cash from their home NHS budget, even when the patient remains entirely within the NHS. So if we get referred to a service in England, NHS Wales has to send the cash over the border with us. The knock-on effect is that NHS Wales loses money that could otherwise support local services.

In other words, we can't solve this problem without abolishing the internal market in the NHS.

There's another problem in that it's the UK Parliament that decided to impose prescription and parking charges. So returning the devolved NHS to UK control will mean we all get to pay charges, rather than England adopting our more enlightened approach!


Kevin53 profile image

Hi Ceri. This is the basis of a great debate which Wendy39 among others has been driving as well.

Basically a devolved NHS will work only if they recognise their limitations and accept that certain conditions require outside support. 50% of the population of Wales live within 25 miles of the border. The Isle of Man is an example where this happens successfully.

In Wales the Heath Boards are not helpful; either too small like Hywel Dda or like BCUHB too big. BCUHB is the biggest in Europe! In England the Hospital Trusts are far more focused on patient needs.

Free prescriptions are very costly, with folk obtaining paracetamol and a much higher percentage of medicine wasted because they are free. In England prescriptions are free for some and an annual £120 pass will cover all medications for those on complex needs. It is true if you are diabetic it is free. Lupus UK and other charities are lobbying for this to be extended to other long term conditions.

Car parking is free in Wales yet it is always difficult to park because they are not managed and are used by car share groups etc.

I agree there should be no division and now is the time to start adopting best practice through out the nation.

We are better and stronger together; that will beat COVID-19 and

lead to the correct levels of support and outcomes for our NHS.

Best wishes Kevin

Ceri-NorthWales profile image
Ceri-NorthWales in reply to Kevin53

Thank you for the reply Kevin, I really hope things are getting better for you and your dad.

BCUHB is a problem, and I think you've hit the nail on the head - it's huge! It also seems very poorly managed. Frontline staff though - wow, incredible! The do so much with what they have and always want the best for their patients. I really feel for frontline staff.

In terms of carparking, just because England pay for parking doesn't mean it's any better! Countess of Chester has been awful the past couple of years - they don't seem to understand that building up means, the number of spaces are doubed. Instead, it's a case of 'let's try and find the tiniest space possible to fit in an extra 10 spaces, whilst at the same time getting rid of 50 for portable wards'. Arrowe Park and Royal Derby Hospital are also bad for parking. Arrowe Park - best hospital I have attended in the country! Aintree Hospital - brilliant for parking, multistory, seemed plety of spaces at the time (August 2017) - not sure on the hospitals' proper name, I was in a little bit of shock and denial when I was there.

Having paracetamol on prescription is something I do not agree with at all - you can buy it for 30p! However, due to people's selfishness in recent times, I did find myself having paracetamol on prescription, as there was none on the shelves - even in Asda at 1am! What everyone is doing with it, I have no dea, but hey.

As you say, free prescriptions is expensive, I would actually let that go if it meant having access to decent healthcare.

It would help if there was a basic standard of healthcare, ie a minimum expected level of healthcare, across the bord. But there doesn't even seem to be that. ANd it's the frontline staff and NHS users that suffer. It's just so wrong.

Kevin53 profile image

Thanks Ceri. Dad’s improving slowly. The care is excellent, because of their age the ward is now on lock down. I spoke to Dad by phone today, at 91 he is very well spoken, yet I won’t repeat the word he used to describe COVID-19! Best wishes Kevin

in reply to Kevin53

Ha, ha. If he’s 91, I guess there’s no point scolding him! (Kidding)

Ceri-NorthWales profile image
Ceri-NorthWales in reply to Kevin53

Good to hear he's improving slowly - and that he still says things how it is re-COVID-19! haha All the very best to you all!

Cottar profile image

I live in Scotland but have many friends and relatives in England and my experience is very different . By comparison, the NHS in Scotland seems far better managed: waiting times are less, access to specialist services, such as rheumatology, is only a phone call away and all hospital car parks are free of charge. I would fight tooth and nail to keep the Scottish NHS devolved, I would hate to see the achievements gained by being self managed lost to an NHS system driven by profits.

Ceri-NorthWales profile image
Ceri-NorthWales in reply to Cottar

Wow! Brilliant to hear how good things are up in Scotland! Can you lot teach the rest of the UK how it's done please? Or can I please see a rheumatologist in Scotland please after lockdown? I don't mind the journey and I've always wanted to go to Scotland - it's be a hell of a lot quicker than Wales and looks like Countess is going to reject me again.

Kevin53 profile image
Kevin53 in reply to Cottar

It’s worth noting that only 5% of the population of Scotland live with in 50 miles of the border which helps to create an inclusive requirement. The Isle of Man with a small population has a successful positive arrangement with Liverpool. In Wales one tends to think of north and south, yet 50% of the population live on the east side and within 25 miles of the border.

Best wishes Kevin

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Cottar

Not all Scottish hospital car parks are free. Glasgow and Edinburgh hospitals charge and dearly! But I agree our NHS is excellent.

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