Anyone got a extra large roll of bubble wrap? - LUPUS UK


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Anyone got a extra large roll of bubble wrap?

CecilyParsley profile image
34 Replies

So last night I lost feeling in both feet. I fell crashing into the wash hand basin. I hit my shoulder on the metal shelf and caught my leg on the damned floor to ceiling pole again. So yet again I am battered and bruised. I could not feel either foot and lurched about like I was drunk. I had no auras but a terrible heaviness on top of my head and tingling down the left side of my face. The lack of feeling in my feet lasted about 15 minutes. I think from now on I need a bubble wrap suit. No treadmill for me today 🙄

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CecilyParsley profile image
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34 Replies
Spanielmadlady profile image

Amazon £10.59....Oh you poor thing Cecily.sending you gentle hugs xxx 🤗😘💐

svfarmer profile image

Oh that is dreadful, I’m so sorry this happened to you - you must be very sore today - sending hugs 🤗

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to svfarmer

I really am sore but it was the total lack of feeling in my feet that scared me. Thank you for the hugs, much appreciated xxx

LalSD profile image

This is terrible! I hope you are feeling better. Lots of hugs... xx

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to LalSD

Thank you so much xxx

stiff19 profile image

Hoping you are not too sore and battered and remember to report this to rheumy 👍 yes very worrying when you don’t know why lack of feeling in feet 🤷‍♀️ Rest and recuperate , the treadmill will still be there another day. Take care best wishes 🤗

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to stiff19

Thank you so much. I have done 8.9 km this week in 6 days which is what I did in 7 days last week so I am still improving. It just happened so quickly. I got up to go to the loo and was fine but when I tried to get up from the toilet I simply could not feel my feet. It was as if they had gone to sleep completely. I was so lucky the glass in the basin did not smash or I would have been more badly hurt, as it is I am just bruised xx

stiff19 profile image
stiff19 in reply to CecilyParsley

Yes very lucky not to be hurt more , bruised is enough, you have been doing very well but don’t over do it . Had you been on loo a while 🤷‍♀️ Hope you feel less sore soon and find out why you couldn’t feel your feet 🤗

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to stiff19

Thank you. I guess my Neurology appointment will help but it is not likely to happen for a few months yet xx

stiff19 profile image
stiff19 in reply to CecilyParsley

Yes I’m still waiting too since start of pandemic , the fallout from this virus is just as bad but here’s hoping you get seen soon 🤗

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to stiff19

You too xx

KayHimm profile image
KayHimm in reply to CecilyParsley

Oh, Cécily, if your symptoms are so severe that you are falling, that is quite serious. These neuro issues are so mysterious and unpredictable, I know. Any idea when you will see a neurologist? I have a feeling you are going to need an MRI.

One positive thing is that if it turns out you have atypical migraines, there are new and very effective medications out for that.


CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to KayHimm

The secretary told me that she would call me when they could reschedule. Up until yesterday I thought my “ funny turns” had actually gone. I think the cause of most of the auras, headaches, feeling severe fatigue and dizzy were caused by lighting in shops as looking through my diary they were predominantly after or during a shopping trip. Only once before did I lose feeling in one foot and my arm felt weak and tingly. I was sat watching tv so have no idea what the trigger could have been.My husband thought that the fact that I sleep with my legs raised may have caused the numbness but I actually got out of bed and walked to the toilet without issue. It was only when I tried to get up that I could not feel my feet and was lurching all over the place. It is very strange isn’t it? Still I am very thankful it was not worse and hopefully tomorrow I will be less stiff and sore xx

Djlr profile image
Djlr in reply to CecilyParsley

You make a very good point - the article below does mention that the SUN could be an inflammatory source for your feet and the numbness.

Also, many LUPUS patients find that UV lighting is a MAJOR trigger and can cause faintness, fatigue and feeling unwell directly after exposure in a “Store or in actual Sunlight”.

So any type of UV light could be a Major Trigger for your Nervous System Lupus Flares.

Read articles below:

Hope these help as you wait to see the neurologist 😊

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to Djlr

Thank you so much xx

Olderkitten profile image
Olderkitten in reply to stiff19

Hi Cecily, maybe the running caused your leg muscles to tighten cutting off circulation and numbing your feet. Trying a heating pad and massage to help loosen and relax the muscles. Definitely tell your doctor. I hope you feel better soon.

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to Olderkitten

Hi there. Omg that made me laugh. I struggle to walk let alone run. Tortoises go past me in all honesty. But on a more serious note you may be right in that the treadmill may be compressing nerves or muscles. It was the strangest thing. I was fine walking from my bed to the toilet it was only when I tried to get up that I realised I had absolutely no feeling in my feet at all and as a consequence no balance. It felt like I had been sitting in one place too long and my feet had gone to sleep, yet I was only there for a minute or two at most.I will tell my Doctors about it when I get to see them. My list is getting longer. They should do bubble wrap on prescription xx

Horsewhisper profile image

Oh CP, what a shock taking a fall like that. I hope you feel a bit better today - stay wrapped in the bubbles and take it easy, especially in this heat 🤗😘

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to Horsewhisper

Thank you so much. I am so frustrated today as my hand has swollen up and I am dropping everything. Thank goodness I have a great hubby who is helping by cleaning up as I go lol xx

Sorry about the fall - hope you’re not too battered and in pain today.

Just a thought from someone with fairly numb feet myself - have you had MRI of spine., specifically neck? I have been having turns similar to those you describe, for a few years now - several very nasty falls in various bathrooms.

When you do your bit on the toilet - no.1 or 2 - it can cause vasovagal turns. Also there’s something autonomic goes on for me while sitting on the hard seat of a toilet that makes my feet and legs go blue and extra numb - I’ve assumed this is triggered by trapped nerves for myself.

What my neurologist has at last seen and just acknowledged - is that I have severely degenerated discs in my neck And lumbar spine - specifically C6 and 7 - which cause pain to radiate both up my neck to my head and down my arms and legs by force of gravity - quite possibly as far as my feet.

So I’m to have another MRI of my brain and neck to see if this has progressed to full blown nerve entrapment now - as I believe it has.

The neurologist, embarrassed at having missed these 2 year old radiology reports previously, then tried to minimise the significance of a spinal curvature/ scloliosis I’ve apparently had since I was a kid - as recently reported by my new rheumatologist.

But this doesn’t wash for me because I’ve had some balance issues for as long as I can recall and obviously as we age this stuff is going to impact on our ageing frames and brains too - especially as the systemic autoimmune problems mount up as well. It feels sometimes like we are a game of Jenga, and one wrong move by a player and we crumble into a pile?! X

PS the pain is not felt for me as back or neck pain but is felt in muscle spasms that radiate up and down my body up back of my head and as tingle or lose sensation down into both arms and legs.

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to

Hi, thank you for this. I too get numb feet whenever I am on hard seats. In restaurants I am always moving my legs and feet, tapping them on the floor so you might be on to something there. My Chiropractor regularly adjusted my neck and jaw prior to lockdown and also he was the first person to rid me of chronic foot pain by thrusting down on my ankles. It hurt like hell but the relief was immense. I am having really nasty shoulder pain radiating down my left arm into my thumb and little finger. I did have several MRI scans when I was first diagnosed but nothing for years now. I also had several CT scans which showed enlarged lymph nodes and spleen. I have had nerve conduction tests which showed nothing abnormal but the last two were done on my arms only as my GP thought my hand pain was carpel gunnel, which it is not.My hands and feet tingle and burn constantly which they have said is Raynauds but I am not so sure. I think you are right about the Jenga. We are medical marvels 😁xx

Barbara17 profile image

Oh no, poor you. What a fright you must have got. Sending virtual hugs.🤗 and hope there is no lasting damage. B 😘

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to Barbara17

Thank you Barbara. Very stiff and sore but still functioning xx

Tykle profile image

Poor you, what a shock; you must be feeling really sore. I hope you soon recover and they can find a solution to the trouble you've been having.

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to Tykle

Thank you Tykle. Yes I am so stiff and sore. I cannot remember bashing my breast bone but the huge bruise tells me I did. I am still trying to keep moving or I will feel worse. Xx

Tykle profile image
Tykle in reply to CecilyParsley

It's a good idea to keep going. Little and often, and you'll get through.

MEGS53 profile image

Hi CP. Hope you're feeling a bit better today, albeit still battered and bruised. Sending very gentle hugs, xxx

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to MEGS53

Hi Meg, well I am very sore, bruised and stiff but off to make my lovely hubby a strawberry mousse cake. It will put a smile on his face and that will make me very happy xx

MEGS53 profile image
MEGS53 in reply to CecilyParsley

Mmmmm, it would make me happy too! Take care, xxx

CecilyParsley profile image

Hi Lou, thank you, I am a disaster zone. My list is getting longer of symptoms that just aren’t right. I have been complaining of poor balance for 11 years but not being able to feel my feet is one of the weirdest feelings because I had zero capacity to balance and was falling and just threshing about trying to grab at things to stop my fall. I have actually caused a leak on the toilet I fell back so hard so you can imagine how bruised I am on my bottom, breast, breastbone, hand and shoulder. I am a liability. Thank God Neil was nearby to help me or it would have been worse. I am thankful that I am still mobile and nothing broken xx

Krazykat26 profile image

VERY gentle cyber 🤗🤗🤗from me CP 🤗🤗🤗 go easy now ya hear? Be kind to yourself n allow yourself to rest n recover from what sounds like a very nasty fall 😔😵

Take care 🌈😽😽xx

CecilyParsley profile image
CecilyParsley in reply to Krazykat26

Thank you Kat. I have had a busy day cooking but I am so happy doing it but very sore. Feet up in front of the tv tonight. You have a lovely evening and thanks for the hugs xx

Spotty-ewe profile image

That is awful Cecily. Either bubble wrap or emergency air bags like we have in cars attached to your body in case you fall. 😂😂 But joking aside I hope you haven’t done any real damage to yourself. No feeling in your feet sounds awful and dangerous. Does your Rheumy know about it? Please look after yourself Cecily. Lots of hugs. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😘💕

CecilyParsley profile image

Thank you so much. No real damage just bad bruising and I jolted my back. Hubby is going to take some photos of the worst bruising to show the Neurologist and Rheumatologist when I eventually get to see them. Air bags sound a good option actually 🤔 xxx

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