Hello, hope everyone as ok as possible.
My eyes have been a bit dodgy for a while, most times the lupus has flared and I’ve been in hospital, they’ve been inflamed and red along with the rest of me.
Drs have queried various things, including Sjögrens and deeper inflammation like scleritis.
Husband says it’s piggy- eye- itis! 🐷 🙄🤣
GPs want me to go to the eye unit but I think that would be a bit embarrassing and a waste of their time if I just need some drops for the dryness.
They are very burny, blurry and sore but it feels very surface like rather than deeper this time.
I’ve tried lots of drops and antibiotics in case infection.
Anyone got any good suggestions please? I have lots of work to do but can’t see very well to do it!
I also have vasculitis but both that and the lupus is under control at the moment so maybe not inflammatory in eyes?
Thank you!! 🙂 x