Well shielding was briefly discussed today , in two weeks time they will elaborate more. From what the First Minister was saying, they will no longer have a blanket approach towards the shielding and will look at ways to change it. If it's anything like the article I read in the Guardian yesterday, then it looks like a lot of us could be classed as no longer needing to shield. I just hope they don't approach it in the same manner!! In one hand it's good as we could have a bit more freedom but on the other hand it's a terrifying thought and it personally scares me.
Scottish Government Announcement: Well shielding... - LUPUS UK
Scottish Government Announcement

Hiya CarolMcl
Whatever they say, make sure that when you go out that you wear a proper face mask and when handling things in a shop make sure you are wearing disposable gloves. Then when you get home, use antibacterial wipes to wipe over your purchases. Please please please be careful. Too many people are going to sleep in death
Thanks for your reply. To be truthful I cannot even contemplate the thought of going near shops, in fact I can't remember the last time I was in one!! I know that changes do need to be made but it's a very worrying time indeed
I understand what you are saying. My wife has SLE and if we go out, I make sure she is covered. Perish the thought if anything happens to her. I make sure that even click and collect, home delivery, post. All get a wipe with the antibacterial before they are put away. Be safe and take care
Thank you, your wife is very fortunate 😁. It's now you realise just how important family are and the steps they're willing to take to protect a loved one ❤️
Agree it seems as if they thinks it’s all over (no football pun intended). You might have seen one of my other posts today but according to my GP having lupus and being on methotrexate doesn’t put me at any more of a risk than a healthy person???🤔😳 When was that decided? I’m getting so fed up with all the grey areas at the moment.
Have you never been shielded at all? The grey areas are shocking, it's nothing to do with diagnosis/medication it's all been down to GP/Hospital interpretation and that is so so wrong on so many levels
Rheumatology nurse said I was to shield and should receive a letter and my Dad’s haematologist said we had both to shield. Neither of us got a letter but today the GP told my Dad he would arrange one for him but that I didn’t need one but if I wasn’t happy travelling on the train or going into work he would give me a Fit For Work note. I’m fit to work so not sure what he’s on about.
I think he means the sick notes that GP's are giving out so people still get some form of payment during this crisis. I know it was originally just statutory sick pay but I'm sure I've read somewhere that it has been increased. If you can manage on whatever amount it is then take up the GP's option, that way you won't have to return to work until hopefully it's safer. I personally think I'll be taken off the list as in the least severe bracket but I will definitely not be returning to work.....I'm a nurse working in the community
Oh yes I can understand why you would be worried being on the frontline. The problem I have is that I’ve been off quite a bit over the last while as my lupus has been bad and my Mum passed away in February so I would be onto half pay which seems a bit unfair. My work say they don’t have a laptop to give me to work from home but my colleagues have them. It’s all a bit rubbish.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, my thoughts are with you. It's your employer's responsibility to ensure safe practice and it always has been under the Health & Safety at work act. This crisis however has made it all more important to ensure that employees can work and function within the government guidelines, it's their responsibility to provide a laptop for you. Although the government have advocated for people to return to work they have also said that working from home is STILL the preferred option. You are able to work from home so your employer should ensure it happens, it's their responsibility. Are you in a union, you could even contact CAB?
Hi Carol. Thank you.
Yes I’m in the union and they are really good, been getting newsletters from them and they do seem to be on the ball. If work are still being awkward that will be the next step.
Thanks again, stay safe🤗
I have SLE and take methotrexate and the rheumatology department told me I was at moderate risk.
Hello , get the feeling it depends which way the winds blowing at the moment. We seem to be in the same boat but being told different things. Without giving too much away what health board or trust are you in. I’m NHS Lanarkshire.
I very much agree with you on all aspects. It's worrying though that more lives will be lost, as you say, it's still very much active out there!!
Us death toll is the highest, however or actual death rate per case is miles below the uk, sweden, italy, brazil , spain and france. And is closer to Germany.
Our toll is high due to the fact that we have 328 million people as opposed to the uk's 66 mil. Multiply your case numbers by five and per capita our infection rate is very similar to the uk per capita however if you multiply your death toll by 5 your death per case is much higher than ours.
Death toll and rates are very different things. The uk's death per case is 14percent while the us rate per case is under 6percent. Germany is under 5 percent. Our per 100000 people rate is also much lower than the uk.( Us has 30 compared to 56 deaths per 100000 people.)
Sorry for the lecture but calling a toll a rate is a petpeeve of mine for it is unfair and misleading. Not sure why the uk has such a high death per case and per 100000 rate. Might be due to under testing ( likely that you have ten times the infection measured or you do not have enough hospital beds?
As to shielding, I believe the uk is the only area practicing this and yet your rate of death per case is higher than most other countries. Shielding might be causing those not on lists to think they are falsely safe of risk.
Here are the stats of how each country's real death rates compare. Uk is not at all on par with the us coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mo...
more likely that our government can't count and make up numbers to suit themselves
Counting is a huge issue when comparing. Germany only counts autopsy confirmed deaths. The us and I believe the uk count anyone who had covid at time of death and suspected deaths in their toll. Car accidents and a cosleeping smothered infant are included in my states stats. Oecd countries should have a standard definition of how to count mortality to have a more realistic view of how we really compare in stats.
It certainly looks that way . Stay safe
My state closed on march 13th, before the federal government but we have a 10 percent per case death rate while the country as a whole only has a 5.8 percent rate. I was concerned by this until I looked into our numbers.
90 percent of our deaths were in the above 80 year age demographic. I live in a us state whose average age of death is much higher than the country or even italy as a whole. The stats of age and who is dying by covid in each area is as important of a contributing factor as is when lock downs were imposed upon death rates. Your population's higher age could account for your high toll it certainly helps explain Italy's.
USA” in no way “united” in America! ...on covid-19🤔. Trumpian foolishness, denial and distractions.......... Please don't turn this post into yet another political soap box. We have already lost valued members because of it. It's about shielding and changes that are about to be made
Rates are not tolls. Us has the highest toll that is what the media shows in it quick headlines. Tolls in a vacuum are meaningless. Read the John Hopkins link it explains it better than I.
Yes trump is a fool. However most of our states are as big and populated as European countries. The EU did not shut it's country's down they allowed each nation to decide it's procedures. We, like the EU, are a union of sovergn nations( states) by design. Some states, like ny had tons of cases in march but others like vt had none. That is why governors should act somewhat independently like prime ministers in the different European countries did.
But yes trump is an idiot but for so many other reasons I have lost count.
I think before you comment on what I said, you should actually look at my reply and the example I pointed out
Sorry my bad. It came under a response to me on my news feed. I deleted my response. I can delete my detest for trump agreement too if you like.
That's not necessary, I'm not disagreeing with your comments in the slightest. Even if I did, everyone has a right to what they believe in as long as they appreciate others may think differently. I only made the comment as I've seen some posts turning into political stands with some folk refusing to accept others thoughts. Also my initial post was only pointing out that the shielding status was changing as announced today
Morning CarolMcl.
My GP told me to start shielding in mid March. I did question it because I have lupus but only on 1 immunosupressent (Mycophenalate mofetil) but he said I was definitely in the shielding category. Move forward to yesterday and Lupus clinic at Guys hospital tell me im in the same category of the general population....how can I go from one extreme to the other and the general population doesn't not have lupus!!
I have reached out to my rheumatology consultant who is speaking to me this morning because its worrying. Like you, Im happy im not shielding but I also know a lot of people are not following strict social distancing and its scary.
I fear there will be a lot more people on this forum with the same concerns.
Please let me know how you get on and ill let you know what my consultant says.
Take care and stay safe x
Morning ange726
It's absolutely shocking the mixed messages that are being given out, even at this stage of the crisis. As I also said in a previous response, even the criteria has been decided by personal interpretation.....GP says shield Hospital says no and vice versa. I've been shielding about 7 weeks now and it is difficult to think that in two weeks I'll probably be informed like many others that I'm no longer vulnerable. Hopefully your consultant can help you and answer your much needed questions. 🤞🤞 Take care and stay safe x
Hi ange , I’m exactly the same as you, told to shield in April not a problem yesterday. That’s why I thought I’d raise this post as I’m beginning to think this might not just be my GP or hospital that have changed the message.
Please let me know how you get on with your consultant.
Take care🙂
Hi Froggie70
Had my chat and my consultant has confirmed im no longer shielding and I just have to follow strict social distancing. I was also told that even if you are on 2 different immunosupressents you are not shielding.
The reason is that peoples mental health is outweighing the risk of COVID19 which I do completely agree with but I said i was worried because im going from one extreme to the other. He said that Guys hospital is a world leader in Lupus and they say I am fine to go out so trust them.
He also explained that GPs have gone on the side of caution and therefore probably put me in shielding because they don't fully understand lupus and how our meds affect us. Now im having to go back to my Dr and say im no longer shielding and forward the correspondence I have had from the hospital.
He still recommends working from home (i can for the most part) and ensuring strict social distancing.
Hope that helps somewhat?
Ill be looking out to see what other people are being told!
Take care and good luck
Hi ange,
Thanks for the update. I feel more comfortable as you say it’s coming from Guys. I must admit though I never understood the difference between strict social distancing and shielding with regards to being out of the house. Every days a school day these days. Thanks again and stay safe🤗
I cannot find the guardian article and wonder if you have a link at all? I keep hearing from both governments that they will be refining the shielding list but so far haven't seen any information about what this really means.
I'm a stereotypical shielding case, high dose steroids and MMF. I've also been in and out of hospital with infections and a severe case of sepsis for months.
I personally made the decision not to follow all the guidance, as the balance isn't worth it for me specifically. I continue to sleep with and spend time with my husband (it's only the two of us in our home). I have also gone on a few walks near our house, observing social distancing. I have however been staying home otherwise and haven't been to shops etc. It's all a balance of risks at the end of the day.
The current easing lockdown plan in Scotland shows that they will keep shielding in place until at least phase 4, if not later, which could easily be for the remainder of 2020 / into 2021. It's a very long time and personally I'm not sure if it's worth it for me. I am interested to hear how they will refine the criteria and see if it applies. x
Hi, where did you see the current lockdown plan in Scotland that shows shielding will be in place until phase 4? I've only heard the First Minister announcement yesterday when she said we will hear on the 18th of June and that it will no longer be a blanket approach. I'm not sure how to copy the link, will ask my son
Thank you!
Yes, the current 12 weeks expires on 18th June in Scotland so they have to announce the plan by then at the latest. The easing document states under Phase 3 that more medical appointments at home will be made available for shielding people. This shows that shielding is not planned to be lahifted before then or at that point. I would however expect refining of the criteria before then.
Phase 4 is meant to be started when a vaccine is available or there is sufficient immunity according to the plan. This is set to be the end of 2020, if not into 2021. The FM also made a speech weeks ago saying that social distancing will be in place until 2021 which ties in with this. Hope that makes sense.
theguardian.com/world/2020/.... Hope this works