As expected my Neurology appointment has been cancelled as has my dental appointment. If I am honest I think it is for the best. My husband was in the supermarket yesterday and there were so many people with hacking coughs and sneezing away 😱. Keep safe everyone
Neurology Appointment cancelled: As expected my... - LUPUS UK
Neurology Appointment cancelled

Hello CP
Such a shame. I know you had been relieved that you would see someone soon, about your serious, daily life changing symptoms, but this whole situation is so different to anything we have experienced before, it's probably best to stay away from, not just hospitals and doctors surgeries, but everyone right now!
Stay safe.
Wendy x
Hi Wendy to be honest I would have had to have cancelled as I feel rough again with a cold, sore throat. I cannot seem to shift it and it had been drying up but now it is back as bad as ever. I haven’t got a temperature but given that I have had a chest infection, cellulitis and seven UTI’s in the last six months I am pretty sure I would catch anything else that is going. On the funny turn front I have had several episodes of tingling down the left side of my face and flashes of light followed by a headache ( not severe). I am not sure if this is the situation improving or whether it is a precursor to another bigger one. Either way I am home, comfortable and not going anywhere. Have you heard anything about your appointments yet? Xx
Thanks Lou, as I spoke to the nurse she said you sound terrible have you got a temperature? I told her I am sweating profusely but it is a cold sweat, a sore throat and my four week old cold which had started drying up has suddenly started up with a vengeance. She was very kind and said if I do start burning up I must call 111. Xx
Oh no. It is so worrying isn’t it Lou. Big Cwtches back to you lovely. I hope you feel better soon xx
You are so right. You needed that appointment more than I needed mine this morning. But there are so many things we aren’t even able to think of. By canceling the clinic, you are less likely to get sick. There are many people in these waiting rooms with multiple medical conditions. One infected person could get so many people sick. And there is protecting the doctors and other staff who we need to stay healthy to take care of us. Everything is affected. One anesthesiologist wrote all elective surgeries are canceled in her hospital system and her operating rooms will be turned into intensive care units with anesthesiologists treating the patients. In the US we don’t have enough critical care doctors for this crisis. I even read GI doctors and others will have to care for hospitalized patients.
With that said, they stress how it is still important to care for other serious illness. If you have any episodes like you had before, call the emergency number. They will come to get you in an ambulance, I think, fully protected. Don’t go to the emergency room.
Thank you Kay, I agree completely. Hospitals are the most unhealthy of places. Many are old and unsanitary a breeding place for germs. I am sadly old enough to remember the cleaning crews that descended on the wards daily and compare that to my last stay in hospital where the smell of urine in the toilets was overwhelming, my bed sheets were not changed despite being smeared with both blood and vomit and there was a ball of hair and a used dressing under my bed. People are being so unsafe and irresponsible too. My husband went out to get bread this morning and there were two people sneezing and coughing over the fruit and veg. No tissues, no hands over their mouths. Also on social media there are people who have tested positive for the virus who are on zero hours contracts and will not get sick pay so they are going into work. I am far better off at home. I hope your appointment went well? Xx
My appointment was canceled too. New York is almost completely shut down. As of tonight, restaurants and bars are only open for carry out.
One good thing: Sneezing is uncommon with the Coronavirus, so those people probably just have colds. They still shouldn’t be out under these circumstances.
Thanks for asking about my appointment. I am fine at the moment. Made dinner for four Saturday night!
Stay close to home.
Sorry cecily about your neuro appt being cancelled. I'm just wondering if they couldn't have done a telephone one or Skype!. Hospitals ate going to have to use this technology more to keep waits down never mind this virus!. Our hospital is doing this and we don't have the cases yet of covid19!. Hope they can reschedule soon for you. Xx
Misty - that would be a good idea but probably not possible for an initial neuro appointment. Cécile needs a thorough neurological exam, and that has to be done sort of manually, with instruments and pushing and pulling. Very complicated but important.
We are moving to video sessions here too. Maybe once they get it going those who need to be seen in person like Cecile could be because by then the risk may be controlled, right?
XK 😍