Gutted that my first rheumy appointment on Jan 26th has been cancelled and rescheduled for March 2nd! I am trying to tell myself that another 5 weeks is nothing when you have waited 25 years to get an appointment in the first place...
In meantime I had my 2 yearly eye test with optician. I mentioned the HLA B27 that I tested positive for as I know it can cause eye problems and told her my eyes felt dry. She stuck some orange eye drops in and said that I do make tears but that they evaporate very quickly. She said that usually it takes an average of 12 seconds for a person to need to blink to lubricate their eye but I take 3 seconds.
Is this something I need to mention to the rheumy do you think when I finally get to my appointment? I know dry eyes is a symptom of Sjogren's but am not clear if that is tears evaporating too quickly or not making tears in the first place. I do also get a dry mouth and lips - my lips also peel all the time. However I also know that being in a centrally heated room could be drying my eyes out!
It's a fine line between making sure all pertinent information is imparted and looking like a complete hypochondriac! You all know where I am coming from!
Thank you peeps - Karen