Another UTI: On Wednesday I woke felt a bit unwell... - LUPUS UK


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Another UTI

Jhpc profile image
23 Replies

On Wednesday I woke felt a bit unwell, then felt shivery flu like, didn’t make the toilet on time,then about 1/4 of an hour later my body really starting shaking especially my arms they were jumping all over the place, I felt a bit disoriented, very scary. My husband phoned the ambulance for advice, the paramedics checked me at home, temp 40.1 gave me paracetamol which within a wee while stopped my shaking, suggest I see GP for follow up to their visit. They said my husband did right in calling them.

The GP came to the house as I felt so unwell, urine sample showed another infection I’ve had about 5/6 in the last 5 months..on antibiotics, the next three days awful headaches, now on co-codamol which has helped.

Still waiting on cystoscopy....

Has anyone else been affected like me with a UTI?

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Jhpc profile image
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23 Replies
Spotty-ewe profile image

Hi Jhpc,

Oh yes, I know only too well what it is like having recurring UTIs. 😫 I seemed to be on an antibiotic every month for a while because as soon as I came off it the wretched condition returned. In my 30s I was referred to the Homeopathic Hospital in Glasgow who tried me on a remedy that didn’t work and finally on Cantharis which did work. I had to take it daily for 6 months but it cleared it up and I was UTI free for about 2 years before it started up again. Having had several kidney infections during my life (probably due to SLE which hadn’t been diagnosed at the time) my right kidney became damaged and was in recent years found to be atrophying. They then thought it to be the cause of recurring UTIs once again. They can’t remove the kidney because it has attached itself to other internal organs so I have been on a prophylactic antibiotic for several years now. They alternate the antibiotic every 6 months to make sure I don’t build up a resistance.

It is very common to feel disorientated with a UTI. Did you say you are on antibiotics for it now? The sooner the better! Trimethoprim is the antibiotic of choice for UTIs but I have to be awkward and have an allergy to it 🤦‍♀️ so I’m on Nitrofurantoin alternated with Kefalexin (not sure of the spelling) every 6 months.

I also feel drained, very headachy and generally very unwell during a UTI. I hope you feel better soon. 🙏🏻 You have my sympathy as they are horrible. Take care. 🤗 Spotty 😘

Jhpc profile image
Jhpc in reply to Spotty-ewe

You have went through a hard time with UTI’s ...they really disrupt your life. Also going to investigate why I have blood in my urine...

I was hoping once I’ve had my cystoscopy they find the cause treat it then no more UTI’s it didn’t bear thinking about having them continuously through the years.

I’m near 63.

And yes I’m on antibiotics which usually work when on them and maybe for a week or so after. Also been given

Tablets to take 2 a day to see if this helps once I finish the antibiotics.

Your young to be having them, hope your free of them soon take care x

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Jhpc

No, I’m a little older than you - 65 this year. But UTIs started on a regular basis when I was in my 30s.🤦‍♀️ So you’ll be another WASPI? But that’s another story!!

Yes, I hope after your cystoscopy they track down what is causing your UTIs. I’ve found in recent years that swimming in public pools brings them back! 😳 So frustrating as swimming is such good exercise for Lupies being so low-impact. I’m still investigating waterproof swimwear that is totally waterproof to stop the pool water reaching parts I don’t want it to.🤫

I hope you get your problem sorted soon. 🙏🏻🤞 Take care. 🤗😘

Jhpc profile image
Jhpc in reply to Spotty-ewe I need to google that lol.

That’s so weird as I’ve recently had lower facet joint injections in my back on Christmas Eve, so decided to go back to swimming last week have only been twice before recent UTI, gosh you can’t do right for doing wrong.

Dr has given me Hiprex I think it’s called to take after antibiotics are finished....

Thanks for your info.

Jhpc profile image
Jhpc in reply to Jhpc

Waspi of course my concentration has really gone!

This has affected so many of us born in the 50’s

Absolutely furious they have changed the pension age which if they had done gradually would have been more acceptable!

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Jhpc

Absolutely agree about the pension age increase. If it had gone up to 61 and stayed at that for a minimum of 5 years before going up to 62 then staying at that for 5 years and so on, it would have been much more acceptable as you say. If it had been anyone but the government they’d have been prosecuted for breach of contract!

Anyway, to get back to UTIs yes it is sickening that swimming pool water brings them on (well it definitely does for me anyway). Whether it is the chemicals in the water or the bacteria in the water I don’t know but it does it every time. Why us???🤷‍♀️

Any idea what the Hiprex is for? One GP years ago told me to eat live yoghurt at the end of a course of antibiotics, but that was to prevent thrush as I was prone to it in my mouth. So I take it after every course of antibiotics now as a matter of course leaving each mouthful in my mouth for several seconds before swallowing it. So far so good.👍🏻

Best wishes Jhpc. 🤗😘 Spotty

Jhpc profile image
Jhpc in reply to Spotty-ewe

It’s an antibiotic kills the bacteria in UTI’s fingers crossed.....

I eat yogurts drink cranberry juice sometimes take cranberry tablets and drink lots of water.....

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to Jhpc

Me too. I’ve stopped the cranberry tablets now though as I hope the prophylactic antibiotic makes that unnecessary now. 🤞

Take Care. 🤗😘

I had about 7 or 8 UTIs the year before last but none since although I always have +2 blood in my pee these days.

What seemed to help me was making sure I used tea tree oil in the bath or bidet and a really strong probiotic my sister in law sent me - I can’t recall the name but it was really expensive!

The thing that really struck a cord though was that I had severe tremors in my arms and legs along with vibrations and muscle spasms each time the rip roaring UTI returned. And having been told by my neurologist that this was FND I made a real point of telling her that my extra neuro symptoms only occur on that scale when I’m ill - especially with a UTI.

A friend of mine was once diagnosed with epilepsy and lost her driving licence - got nowhere with the anti-seizure meds. She kept a journal of her kidney infections or UTIs and seizures and finally worked out that one of her kidneys was failing - it was removed and no more seizures. She had to fight the neurologist to get the diagnosis redacted so she could get her driving licence back - but she did it!

Jhpc profile image
Jhpc in reply to

Thanks for the info TT very interesting, you go through so much, I’ve never had a reaction like this, I did begin to wonder if I was beginning to fit, but like you had severe tremors in the body but particularly the arms, they were jumping all over the place.I shall try the tea tree oil, if any one knows which probiotic work for them would love to hear your suggestions.

Your poor friend went through the mill hope she is ok now.

It’s a learning curve when we get new symptoms.

Thanks for the advice, wish you well in your daily struggles.

in reply to Jhpc

You’re welcome. I don’t think I go through more than most of us here - I just post about it a lot!!

I looked on google until I found the one my sister in law sent me. It’s Microbiome Once Daily Women's - 30 Capsules made by Garden of Life.

Hope this helps xxxx

Jhpc profile image
Jhpc in reply to

Thanks I will have a look, just hate taking more 💊.

in reply to Jhpc

Well I’m being totally brave today and using the fact that I’m on antibiotic and having dental pain I’ve arranged to see my new dentist at 12.20 for a second extraction! The last one caused dry socket which was really painful and it will mean losing a tooth I have relied on to chew for most of my 57 years of life so it’s really scary! But listening to a woman speaking about her unbelievably terrible experience of Auschwitz has put things in perspective at least xxx

Jhpc profile image
Jhpc in reply to

Good luck just hate the dentist!

I know we have a lot to be thankful for.

Jhpc profile image

Thanks such a horrible experience.

Jhpc profile image
Jhpc in reply to Jhpc

Phoned up urologist secretary to find out where I am on the list for my cystoscopy, they’ve pencilled me in for the 12th Feb, can’t come quick enough!

CecilyParsley profile image

Bless you I have such empathy. I have completed my ninth course of antibiotics. Like you I get shivery and cold sweats, agitation in my body and feeling dreadful. I have a diverticulum in my bladder so am susceptible to UTI’s but this time it is proving difficult to treat. I hope that you get the right type of antibiotic to treat your infection. For me usually Macrobid is usually successful xx

Jhpc profile image

Gosh that’s a lot of antibiotics I think I’ve had 5 or 6. I’ve never had these symptoms before, so didn’t realise it was to do with UTI.

Yes this is the second time I’m on MacroBid too, the doctor usually phones when sample is tested at t hospital to say if I’m on the correct antibiotic.

Oh hope yours gets sorted soon. x

Cas70 profile image

I haven’t but both my sister, brother and husband have. A friend who was being treated for bladder infections started to take D-Manose (cranberry kernels made into pills) - I gave them to my siblings and husband and they have not been troubled since. That was 3 years ago. Worth looking up on Google and they sell them in Holland and Barrett - good luck

Jhpc profile image
Jhpc in reply to Cas70

Thanks for the info, it’s good to hear all the tips to help.

I use Cranberry tablets from H&B but I guess there is different makes, will look for the ones you’ve said.


Jhpc profile image
Jhpc in reply to Jhpc

Just googled them how many do they take a day?

Mariposa_65 profile image

I had no more UTIs since I started to take Hiprex

Jhpc profile image
Jhpc in reply to Mariposa_65

That’s good to know, they are a nightmare. I’ve got my cystoscopy appointment on Wednesday not sure if it will show anything regarding UTI,s also investigating blood in urine.

Not looking forward to it though it’s supposed to be a quick procedure.

Thanks for all your replies.

Have a good day x

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