Hi everyone, I hope you are all keeping as well as can be expected. I was wondering if anyone suffers violent headaches, last week I had one that lasted two days, I was very sick unable to even keep water down, sweating to the point of being soaking wet, this went on for almost two days, the next day all I could do was sleep, had no energy, didn't get up until 11:30 am, normally around before 7. Then laid in the sofa all day, just dozing, I feel really weak.
Violent headache.: Hi everyone, I hope you are all... - LUPUS UK
Violent headache.

Headache. To add to that Ischemic desease showed on my brain scan in February, should I be worried? Sorry guys I should have put that in the previous message. By the way not sure what that is.
A doctor, now, please. Or A&E if it happens again. Or even A&E now. I’m not a doctor but surmise this shouldn’t be ignored.
Thank you so much, thought I was being a wimp, will ring my surgery as soon as it opens.
Nothing wimpy about that at all x
To start with to be honest I thought it might be migraine, but I have never had a migraine likes that, too be honest I started to get very frightened, and that's really not me,
Many lupus patients also have sticky blood and one of the big signs is migraines.
If you get to see someone medical ask if they can test you
I’ve never had a migraine but I really think that needs checking on if it’s unlike one you’ve had before. I’d go to a doctor, even though I’m well known for ignoring things x
Good luck with your appointment Doey. Hope you get your headache sorted. Migraines are just awful and I’m not surprised that it has laid you up. Soft hugs x

Hi Doey1962,
I am sorry to hear you've been having a severe headache/migraine. I hope your appointment with your doctor will be helpful.
We published a blog article on coping with headaches and migraines which you may find useful to read at lupusuk.org.uk/headaches-an...
Please let us know how you get on, wishing you all the best.
Well the doctor after 5 minutes declared migraine, gave me more medication, didn't listen to a word I said, as I woke up with this headache, however the medication is too be taken as soon as I see flashing lights, "what lights" I was asleep. Didn't take my blood pressure, pulse, so to be honest, not feeling confident in his ability. But thank you everyone for your comments.
Did you see a GP or a neurologist? Also did they decide to use antiplatlet or aspirin therapy after seeing your infarcts on your MRI to prevent further ischemic infarcts? Please ask to be seen by a neurologist if you have not already been to one.
Prophylaxis treatment is a better long term migraine treatment than using medicinesto just address pain in my opinion.
If you ever present with unilateral weakness in arms or limbs, a droopy face, aphasia, vision and hearing loss go directly to the A&E for if it is an ischemic stroke time is of the essence. TPA needs to be given with in 3 to 4 hours of first symptoms to be of help. Remember, FAST saves lives.
F ( Face droop)
A( arms or limb paralysis)
S( slurred or inability to speak)
T ( time to call for emergency help)
If things persist it might be worth calling your lupus clinic and mentioning this to the nurse
It could signal a flare or new development that the team need to be aware of
But also just be mindful of things like stroke. If that could be a possibility you must go for or call for extra help
Thank you so much for your kind reply. I must admit I am a little worried it was a TIA, it was the worse headache and sickness I have ever suffered and for two days after + weekend) I was so weak and tired.
This time last year I was having chronic headaches
They went on for dayssssss
I was taken by ambulance to hospital and was told I had Central Nervous system Vasculitis I was also given a MRI which showed lesions on the watershed part of my brain !! please see your gp you know your own pain threshold and your body
So if you feel you've gone beyond that go see the doctor

Thank you so much, the right side of my head feels tight, and the scalp feel sore to the touch. To add to that l also have a terrific pain in my right side, mentioned to that doctor yesterday, he said I had pulled a muscle, but I have had kidney infections before and swear the pain is the same, he just didn't seem to give a dam, I felt like I was wasting his time.
I also get the same impression off my gp at times trying to fob me off saying it must b a flare up speak to ur consultant !!!
And also the good old " well u look OK ”😫😫😫😫😫
just because I take a little pride and damm hard effort some days with my appearance does not mean I'm OK
Anyway less of my moaning
And all the best take care x x
#feelingpants yep really ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Thank you, the more you try to carry on as normal as possible, the less help you get 🤣🤣🤣
This happened to my Mother a few years ago who also has Lupus and after a few weeks in hospital
Was diagnosed with Basilar Migraines that can mimic a stroke please read up on this and hope you get sorted soon
Thank you,