Usernames and pictures?: I’m sitting here feeling... - LUPUS UK


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Usernames and pictures?

Spotty-ewe profile image
26 Replies

I’m sitting here feeling very disappointed that my new waterproof pants that arrived today and which I’d planned to wear under waterproof shorts on Friday to try swimming again, are far too big for me! 😢 So I’ll have to send them back and wait for a smaller size to arrive before I can risk going into the swimming pool again. I’m trying this out to see if the combination of pants and shorts will keep me dry and prevent the return of recurring UTIs I’m prone to. 🤞🙏🏻

So to cheer myself up I thought I’d ask what made you choose the picture to go with your username. 🤔 I know it has been asked already why you chose the username you are known by, but if you haven’t already shared this why not do so now? 😉

I changed my photo today because I saw this cute wee spotty sheep hair clip being sold by my favourite animal sanctuary and I thought it was ideal for my username. Why did I choose Spotty Ewe? Well I was born in the year of the 🐑and I was VERY spotty with a Lupus rash when I joined. 🥴

I’m looking forward to hearing all your stories. 😊

❤️ and 🤗. Spotty 💕

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Spotty-ewe profile image
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26 Replies

Spotty, I love the hair clip. Very cute.

Ok, I’ll be the first to reply to your ‘online survey’. 🤣

The picture I chose was simply because I tried many but couldn’t get them the right size to fit in that tiny circle, nor could I move them around to fit right. That was the first descent one I could get to work. I tried beach scenes, other pictures of myself, all kinds of things. Nope, only this one fit ok.

The username is kind of a joke. I’ve been using it for years (perhaps decades). I don’t know how many of you have seen the movie ‘You’ve Got Mail’ with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, but before Meg Ryan knowingly meets him, she’s trying to guess why he uses the username he uses. One of her guesses is ‘it’s his street address’ (not an exact quote) and she and her friend laugh, saying something about ‘nobody would be that dorky’ or something like that. Yet, that’s what it was, his address. Sooo, as a joke, I use my street name Brookside Court, or, brooksidecourt as my user name on most things (cause I am a dork!)

Ok, next...

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to

Hi Brook,

Glad you like the hair clip.🥰

That picture was obviously meant to be when others wouldn’t fit or work properly. And it is a lovely photo. Is it you? And there is nothing dorky about using your street name. I remember ‘You’ve Got Mail’ - great film. I actually wondered if yours was from one of the soaps because I think one of them is based in Brookside Court. 🤔🤷‍♀️ But I’m not sure not being hooked on any soaps yet. My Mum was hooked on them all after my Dad died, but I haven’t got there yet. I’m hooked on this site instead!😂🤣

So thanks for sharing that with me. I’ve enjoyed it. 👍🏻👍🏻

🤗 Spotty 💕

in reply toSpotty-ewe

I also don’t watch the soaps. Nor did my mom. My mom was a reader in her spare time, and I hate to admit it, but I’m stuck on reality TV (real life soap operas?) But my friend’s moms were all hooked on soap operas so I saw and heard a little here and there, but don’t remember a Brookside Court🤷🏻‍♀️

Yes, that’s me in the picture. A large family portrait hanging in our foyer, though, we already have 7 new family members since it was taken, and another grand baby on the way. We took a new portrait last summer, but it came out very grainy. I was bummed because we need one with our new family members.☹️ The linger we wait, the older I get. 😱

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to

My Mum was dyslexic so not a keen reader. She insisted on telling me all about the soaps when they were on and I could hardly contain my indifference! 🤐 But I feigned interest to please her. 😉

Actually I think the soap based in Brookside Court is called Brookside. Or am I dreaming?🤷‍♀️ No sure - I’ll have to Google it.

I love your photo even more now knowing it is part of a large family portrait. Pity the new one was grainy. Don’t leave it too long before getting anew one because as well as getting older new additions might keep appearing so you’ll never fit them all in 1 picture! 😂🤣

in reply toSpotty-ewe

Funny, funny!!! Oh, this up coming addition in December won’t be the last. Our youngest , McCain and his wife haven’t started having kids yet, but will soon. Our middle son, Griffin and his wife are expecting number four in about 5-7 weeks, but have talked of having 6 or 7 altogether. Our daughter Sagan hasn’t married yet, so that’s another crew coming sometime. Our oldest, Dylan and his wife have 3 boys but she had a hysterectomy a few years ago, so I think no more there (unless they adopt) and our second oldest Austin and his wife have 4; he’d like more, but Natalie says that’s it (but she said the same after their third, so who knows🤷🏻‍♀️). We’re bound to be replacing that portrait a lot until the grave🤦🏻‍♀️.

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to

A growing family indeed! 🤰👫👭👬 Sounds like you’ll need to get one of those really long photos done where the camera very slowly moves in a half circle taking a whole school at one time. I’ve got one from my high school days. Great fun especially when 1 naughty character appears in it twice having run from 1 end of the seated people to the other. Now that’s one way your family could appear to have twins! 😂

Take care Brook! 🤗💕

in reply toSpotty-ewe

Ha, ha!!! What an awesome prankster!

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply toSpotty-ewe

Yeah there was a soap called Brookside Spotty..set in Liverpool n the street was Brookside Close!! I don't know if it's still on coz I haven't watched TV for years!! No need to Google 😜xx

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toKrazykat26

Hi Kat,

I Googled it last night and no it isn’t on anymore.🥴 If I remember correctly I think it said it stopped running in 2003! Shows how out of date I am!! 😂. Xx

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to

Hi the UK there was a soap called Brookside set in Liverpool..the street was called Brookside Close!! Don't know if it's still on coz I haven't watched Tele in years!! Xx

in reply toKrazykat26

Ha, Ha, KK that’s what Spotty was telling me. I don’t know that show, and definitely not the drama queen type. 😆

PS, sorry about your swim pants. I also get very disappointed waiting for something new (esp clothing) to show up on a certain day only to have it not show, or it’s wrong, etc. like I’m a balloon and they just burst me and let all my air out. ☹️

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply to

😂😂🤣 Love it! 🥰

Jmiller623 profile image

Hi Spotty. My username is pretty self explanatory - my first initial, last name which is common enough and birthday.

My picture and background are of sunsets from my honeymoon to St. Regis in the Maldives. It was the last long trip I was able to take before developing lupus. I suffered pretty badly to get to and from the island but the pictures always remind me that it was well worth it! Gives me ammunition for my dreams when I sleep at night.

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toJmiller623

Hi JM, that’s interesting about your username. I wouldn’t have guessed the numbers are your birthday cos in UK we would write 236 for 23rd June. Strange how our customs can be so different.😆🤷‍♀️

I bet the Maldives were fabulous! What a wonderful place to honeymoon. Sad it was your last long trip before Lupus and that you suffered getting to and from the island. 🥴 But the picture you’ve used looks heavenly and your memories of that special and precious time are indeed the stuff dreams are made of. 🥰 Thanks for sharing it with us. Hugs 🤗 Spotty💕

Jmiller623 profile image
Jmiller623 in reply toSpotty-ewe

Americans. Aren’t we special? Gotta change everything.

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toJmiller623

😂🤣 And why not? 👍🏻👍🏻

in reply toSpotty-ewe

Why not? I agree 😊

Jumper99 profile image

Hi Spotty.

Sorry that the pants didn’t fit. I have to buy all my clothes online as I can’t walk enough to go round the shops 😟 I do hate it when so many things don’t fit even though I’ve checked the size guide. It is such a let down and you have all the hassle of returning them. I love Brooks description of being like a burst balloon!

My username is a bit boring. My initials are JMP and from that I went to Jumper. 99 was just a number I could remember and use easily.

The picture is one of my cat who died 6 months ago. I loved the way she would sleep propped up on a cushion 💖

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toJumper99


Jumper was a great idea with your initials! 😆 Thanks for sharing that with us. And your cat looks adorable. 🥰 I’m so sorry you lost her 6 months ago. I know you’ll still be missing her. I still miss mine many years later.

I’ve heard nothing yet in reply to my e-mail to the company about returning the pants. I’ll have to get my hubby to phone them as I don’t hear well on the phone. Such a chore as you say when I was carful to order the right size. But these size medium look like they were made for a medium sized 🐘!

Good to hear from you JMP. 🤗Take care. 💕

Krazykat26 profile image

Hi Spotty

I chose krazykat because before I had a diagnosis I thought that I was well n truly krazy!! So many things were going on with my bod that I just couldn't get my head around!!

In my youth I trained as a psychiatric nurse where we had to deal with many crazy situations so it helps to be a bit of an 'out the box' thinker in order to deal with the job!! It was great n I loved it but that was a LONG time ago!! 😹

I've since realised that we're all krazy in some way or another..n the whole world has definitely gone wierd!!🤔

Kat is a nickname that I got when we were carving on the roadside coz my speciality was carving Egyptian style cats!!

The pic is a poppy from my garden..the flower of rememberence (don't think I've spelt that right)😜

Sorry to hear your pants don't fit..take it as a compliment..n pretty soon you'll be back in the water swimming like a 🧜

Kat 💜xx

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toKrazykat26

Haha, I know that feeling Kat! Until I was diagnosed I even wondered myself if I was imagining all my symptoms as every test my GP did came back negative!!🤨 So it was a relief to find the pain, nausea, migraines and fatigue were not a figment of my imagination.

I have seen a psychiatric nurse a few times for counselling for anxiety and depression. The three I have seen over the years have all been extremely good and I take my hat off to them. The first was a male nurse and was a real lifeline to me at a really bad time in my life. The two females I had later on were every bit as good. 👌👍🏻

But yes, the world is definitely weird now I think. Or is that just a sign of getting old? 🤔 I remember my parents and their friends saying, “It wasn’t like this in our day....”. Now I find myself saying the same thing. 😬 But it wasn’t!!

I’m really enjoying discovering what has made people choose their names and pictures. So interesting! 😊Thanks for sharing yours Kat. 👍🏻💕

DaftCat profile image

Well I’m struggling to get any decent photos onto here! So I am being particularly ‘daft’ ! However the real DaftCat is my cat Sandy of which you can see only part of her beautiful face in my profile picture. She’s a cream tabby, very chilled and you only have to look at her and she starts purring. My cats live the life of Riley.

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toDaftCat

What I can see of your cat she looks absolutely gorgeous. And such a lovely nature too. 😽 I had a white cat with that nature. I still miss her although I lost her 27 years ago. I know you shouldn’t have favourites, but she was definitely mine! Cats can be daft, so I quite understand the name DaftCat. Your cats are very lucky to have such a good home with someone who clearly loves them to bits. Why shouldn’t they have the life of Riley? Ours did too! 😸

Thanks for sharing DC. 🤗 💕

DaftCat profile image
DaftCat in reply toSpotty-ewe

She is a very beautiful cat and well known where I live 😆. My daughter helps out at a rescue centre and if I could I’d bring every one of the animals home x

Spotty-ewe profile image
Spotty-ewe in reply toDaftCat

My sentiment exactly.🥰 If only we could!! They all deserve a good home. 🤗😘💕

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