. I have been on various steroid doses ( prednisolone) for 10 years or so. I have been on 5mg for the past couple of years. I had a random cortisol test which was late morning and was 36. Another repeat one was 86. So having a short synacthen test. I have to stop my 5mg prednisolone 48 hours before then restart them after the test. Is this safe? I've always been told I mustn't suddenly stop them ??? Will it make me feel ill or anything if I suddenly stop??

They wouldn't tell you to do it if it were really unsafe. Usually they do 24 hours - in which case you take the dose in the morning the day before and not the day of the test, taking it as soon as the test is finished. Some doctors like to do 48 hours and that is OK too if you are on a low dose. If you feel really ill during the second 24 hours or if something very stressful happens like an accident or illness, just call the doctor or 999. But most people have forgotten a day's dose at some point which is the same really. It is stopping high dose pred for a few days that gets difficult.
Hi pmrpro. Thanks for that. Yes that's just what's been said to me by the doctor. I'm just very nervous stopping them as I feel so bad anyway!! Adrenal failure as I understand is life threatening, so it's just worrying me understandably. And at the moment I'm at a very stressful time in my life as well.!! But, hey ho, needs doing so have to be brave! Thanks for answering, it means a lot when people care enough to help someone else. Xxx
I agree with pmrpro that u should be ok!! When I've stopped pred in the past it's usually about a week before I start to feel it missing!!
This test sounds important so try not to get too stressed.. you'll be back on them before u know it!! Xx
I don't know if this will help but I had a sync test on 7mg of pred and I was only advised to take my morning dose then nothing else until the test the next day. The results were inconclusive so they will repeat when I'm down to 3mg. It takes 24 hours for pred to leave the body so I would have my doubts about their approach. Sudden withdrawal can cause an adrenal crisis. Plus the test is quite wearing and stressful in my experience.
You can do the test on 4mg.
I suppose everyone perceives it differently. One lady on my home forum says it was the best test she'd had! She turned up for 9am, the nurse placed a butterfly and took blood, injected the stuff and left her in a reclining chair with her book. Three hours later the nurse woke her up - all samples taken and done and dusted and she'd never noticed, Cup of tea and a biscuit and off home ...
At these sort of doses all pred is out of the body in well under 20 hours - the half ife, the time for half the dose to go, is 3 to 4 hours and it takes 5.5 half lifes to get rid of it all.
Good for her. I react quite badly to canulas because I had one during the traumatic birth of my daughter, after which I got PTSD. And they put in into a malfunctioning vein which meant I had to repeatedly squeeze my hand, and because I'm on blood thinners I got a horrible bruise.
Evidently that won't be everyone's experience, which is why I said 'in my experience'.