We have been approached by Katie Richards (Final-year MA Music Therapy student at UWE Bristol) who is seeking participants for her research project:
She would like to hear from you if:
•you are a woman (currently 18+ years of age)
•you have experienced a miscarriage yourself (currently defined in the UK as the loss of a pregnancy during the first 23 weeks)
•you made use of music* to help you to adjust to your loss at the time of your miscarriage(s) or related to your miscarriage(s) (*this can include listening to music/playing music/singing)
•you would like to take part in this research project
This research will explore how music could be used in a therapeutic way to help women express and process their emotions following a miscarriage. Research interviews will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. All data collected will be anonymised and kept confidentially, in accordance with current GDPR regulations.
For full details and the opportunity to take part in this research project, please email:
This research has been approved by the UWE Health and Applied Sciences Psychology Low Risk Review Board