Sunshine: They say lupus sufferers don't act too... - LUPUS UK


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They say lupus sufferers don't act too kindly when the sun is out and certainly as hot as it is the now. I used to hate the sunshine, wouldn't even sit out in the garden for long before I got diagnosed. Since I was first diagnosed it all changed, I love the sun and especially last summer I was never out of the sun during the summer we had. Yes my lupus relapsed and starting doing crazy things to me over a year ago now but I feel the sunshine lifts my mood, makes me happier and in general makes me alot better. Anyone else feel this way with regards to the sun

10 Replies
Northernd profile image

Makes me feel better inside but the does drain me if I'm in it too long, I wear hat glasses and get prescribed special factor suncream from my gp, do you wear suncream?

in reply to Northernd

I do sometimes, usually forget though.

KayHimm profile image

It is interesting that you bring this issue up now. I am on vacation with my cousin who has lupus. I have UCTD. On the thirty minute ferry over with sunscreen and a hat, I got a facial rash and felt ill. My cousin says she stays out of the sun (half of the time she doesn’t even put sunscreen on her legs!) and she has never had a reaction other than small red spots on her arm. She has more serious disease with organ involvement. So I tease her that if she was as photosensitive as I am, we would be calling the coast guard ambulance!

I am curious what others think and what their doctors tell them if after several years they do fine in the sun.

Like you, my cousin, enjoys being out and it helps keep her spirits up. I am happy that photosensitivity is not one of her symptoms.

Hope you can find a way to continue to enjoy the sun. Sunscreen is important for everyone.


Roarah profile image

I was going to write this exact thought today. In my neck of the STates it pretty much rained all year until this week. I feel great now with the sunshine. I have had skin cancer treatments and a family history of Melanoma so I stay protected but I feel over all better in the sun. I do believe mood elevation keeps us healthy in general which is why I think treating our mental health when diagnosed with autoimmune disease is so important. I do not have skin issues with my lupus or APS and have been very healthy inbetween some organ involvement issues.

Shine on!

in reply to Roarah

I too have had organ involvement but have generally kept very well. I'm hoping the treatment is working now, in the meantime I'll enjoy the sunshine just now as here in Scotland we don't have much so you gotta make the most of it

thestorm profile image

Hi Kitman1, The sun, I know how welcoming it is when everything around us seems so gray, it does lift our moods in my opinion. I worshiped the sun for sooo many years, beaches, pools, oceans, islands, and with my children. When I was younger, and undiagnosed. I remember how drained I felt then, sun crisp skin, and sometimes a rash on my abdomen, little red bumps all over. I didn't think much of it then. Just blamed it on a wind and sun swept day. Then after I was diagnosed with lupus, about a year into it, I started feeling all kinds of symptomes, and I still would do outdoor activities. I was an athlete. Wore sunscreen, glasses, golf arm covers etc, and it didn't seem to help. But to this day if you ask me, I would still prefer to go out to the garden on a sunny day, than watch from a window as the world goes bye. I love animals and nature, just its sounds and gets your senses going I feel in a better direction. Mental mindfulness, being one with nature is in all of our DNA, as long as we take care, protect ourselves, and understand our symptoms, it's all good. Bask in the suns glory, stay pro- active as long as you can, and get some free vitamin D to boot. Wishing all sunny days. peace blessings 😎😎 thestorm

Biri profile image

Hi Kitman1.

In the past I took a pretty lackadaisical approach to sunscreen and have suffered the price with about 40% facial scaring and some nice bald patches on my scalp.

The good thing though is that I can’t see it so it doesn’t bother me, though it can be tender at night.

Do I care? Nope!

Have a great weekend and thanks for the post!


tiredmum profile image

I hate being out in the sun, it makes me feel so poorly, I get a facial rash, nausea, muscle weakness and it comes on so quickly. The weakness can last for weeks, it actually scares me.

One year we went to Cromer and walked around on a glorious sunny day. I felt fine until all of a sudden I felt like I was going to collapse and vomit. It took us 6 hours to get home as we had to keep stopping in the shade and I retched all the way. My walking has never been the same since due to weakness.

If you can tolerate it enjoy it but be sensible, always wear sun screen, but if you are like me, need to avoid it at all costs I fully sympathise with you

Hamptons profile image

Yes, I am lucky that the sun does not give me rashes etc. I have to be careful as having pale skin I burn so always have my factor 50 and rock my Katherine Hepburn wide brim hat. I was just thinking howthesummer is so different to the winter, more energy less joint pain. But, I do get puffy feet in the evening which can be painful. Last weekend two days of fresh air outdoors did wipe me out but hey slept well and happy.

Just lucky sun sensitivity is not a big problem as the garden with a book is just bliss.

junemc profile image

I live in Scotland so a sunny day is precious and something to be enjoyed. I am a keen gardener and there is nothing more enjoyable than sitting in a lovely garden in the sunshine. However I still take care. I have 2 seating areas both with parasols and I sit under these and still enjoy the sunny day. If I am working in the garden I avoid midday and always wear a sunhat and dark glasses and light clothing that covers me. So enjoy the sun but take care!

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