I currently work full time, but I am considering going part time or worse case scenario quitting work all together. I was wondering what benefits I would be entitled to?
Benefits: I currently work full time, but I am... - LUPUS UK

What type of work do you do? Depending on your contract you may be able to be medically retired and gain a pension. But if you just resign you may not be entitled to certain benefits, for a while anyway.
Hi, I have just gone part time on the advice of my rheumatologist. I spoke with my OT and GP and they advised I apply for PIP. I have started the process, can’t guarantee it will be successful but that was their advice. It was partly as I was paying for a cleaner and another lady to help with daily household tasks which I can’t afford to do if I am part time. I found the Department for Works and Pensions helpful, they had a disability team who gave similar advice.
I kept working for far too many years until I simply could not do it any more (and was then rudely retired early by an organisation I had been loyal to for many years). I then had a few years of trying to subsist on ESA, which was impossible, and got harder every month. I now have a one-woman business where I work from home about 16 hours a week. I get disability tax credits, and I have a tiny (*tiny*) early retirement pension from my former job. I am far from rich - but it is far less stressful than going out to work, and I cannot be got rid of by myself. I should apply for PIP but at the moment cannot face the paperwork. Overall I am happy to have some work; it makes me feel useful. Consider your options carefully Millie15 - our benefit system is not generous and has a tendency to make you feel like a fraud and a non-person, even when you are very ill. Part-time, as others have said, may be the way to go.
Hi I am in the process of being non disciplinary dismissed from NHS, I was part time and really struggling. I was also advised to do so by rheumatologist. I have applied for early retirement on ill health grounds but haven't heard yet about whether I will get my pension. I have had ESA when I was on long term sick 2 years ago when I had a brain tumour operated on . I was going to apply for Pip at this time but was too ill to do the papaerwork , ESa was enough hassle , though I didn't need to attend for an assessment, was in contribution based group then . Its so stressful knowing what to do and to worry about how you will survive financially ! x
Before you go part time apply for pip it’s a hard benefit to get though but with help of welfare rights you will get though it , it’s a benefit that’s dsnt effect anything other benefits