Can anybody tell me if my finger nails look the correct colour ? They are all the same with a white patch in the middle I have ridges going down them and some pitting on some nails too. ( Undiagnosed currently but under a rheumatologist for severe muscle pains but trying to widen my search for myself ) Thankyou for looking
Finger Nail Changes: Can anybody tell me if my... - LUPUS UK
Finger Nail Changes

I can’t tell you if these or normal but mine are the same. I have Sjögren’s with Raynaud’s and small fibre neuropathy
Mine are the same too. I have Sjogrens, Raynauds and SCLE.
My finger and toe nails are the same . I have Sjögrens and raynauds.
Hi my nails are the same I have sjogrens raynauds addisons and SLE,RA and osteoarthritis , x
Mine are the same Raynaud’s, Sjögren’s and bits of other things. No pitting though.
Pitting of nails can occur with psoriasis.
Mine are the same. Toe nails are even worse! I have raynauds , Hughes syndrome and sle.x
I've just looked at mine which are the same, however I'm desperately trying to seek a reason for all my muscular/joint pain, face and neck rash and fatigue. One rheumy wrote to GP to refer me to neurologist and dermatologist and they wouldn't do either! Never saw that rheumy again but saw another on three occasions who ignored neck rash and didn't even do a physical exam and I was off the list once he had seen that orthopaedics were going to deal wit my DDD, bulging disc and arthritis. I will go private once I move. I've had two episodes of hair coming out in handfuls, bleeding eye, incredibly dry skin and scalp, eyes, nose, mouth and ears and arthritis or joint pain in just about every large joint and small ones like fingers and toes. I'm at a loss to get someone to join the dots, trouble is nothing showed in bloods. Definitely ask your rheumy about the nails. I've been told my foot specialists I have Reynaud's and this winter when walking dog my hands weren't just cold they we're extremely painful like I'd never had before. Let us know what a GP or rheumy says about your nails.
My nails are ridged and just look horrible too. l also have ridges on my toenails. I've been diagnosed with UCTD.
I have to use a nail treatment, my nails will crack, peal, separate, curl up and or down (at the same time) or just fall off. The nail treatment works, however, the down side is. I’m a guy and it looks like I use a light pink nail polish. Oh, and due to Skin Issues from Lupus, I can’t wear shoes and have had to go barefoot 100% of the time for 3 years, so a barefoot guy in public with pink finger and toe nails, well I get some odd looks!😂
Lupus and all of the things we have to put up with!