Now that the sun is out I'm struggling with my eyes while in the car. My eyes are dry anyway I think from the Lupus although Sjogren was mentioned by the Rheumatologist at my last appointment. I use eye drops and ointment which I purchase over the counter although my Dermatologist said I should get these prescribed by my GP. I'll address this in a letter to my GP about my prescription and changes next week. I want my GP to reply in writing so I can take it to my next joint Rheumy and Derm Clinic in June. I wonder whether anyone has special glasses (other than normal sunglasses and reactive lenses) to protect their eyes while driving?
Sore eyes that cannot tolerate bright light - LUPUS UK
Sore eyes that cannot tolerate bright light

I don’t drive anymore but I do need reading glasses and have recently tried the kind that block out whatever rays my iPad emits ( sorry, I’m foggy, someone else will understand) and I find they are helping my gritty Sjogrens eyes. Otherwise I don’t need glasses so I’m afraid I can’t help much.
My eyes are extremely bad today. I wonder if the hydroQ is affecting them!
I wear my normal prescription glasses under big lensed sunglasses. Of course I get really strange looks but this helps without having to pay high prices for prescription sunglasses x
I struggle with all bright light. Especially car headlights at night. I have dry eyes and mouth, lupus induced sicca. I wear sunglasses most of the time and wear anti glare glasses at night when driving. They have a yellowish lens and reduce the glare of headlights. I use drops and take Salagen tablets to help my glands work. Can get cheap anti glare off the Internet to try to see if they work for you.
Hope this helps.
I feel for you . Have that problem too and also flourescent lights are very bad for me. Take care.