Dr. Gs 6 steps to reversing disease. Anyone doing... - LUPUS UK


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Dr. Gs 6 steps to reversing disease. Anyone doing it??

sarahalice profile image
11 Replies

Hope everyone is having a good start to 2019!

As well as having my usual daily lupus pain my lupus rash has got at lot worse, my face and arms are covered and its really getting me down.

One of my friends suggested Dr Brooke Goldner's book good bye lupus, it's a good read and last year I tried her protocol for 2 weeks. There was a massive improvement in my bloods and symptoms and my rash had gone! I went on holiday then started a new drug trial and had stopped doing the protocol and slowly I got worse again.

I saw that Dr G is doing a free class about her protocol, it's made up of 3 videos and she answers questions afterwards. To sum up the protocol, it involves eating a large amount of greens, a small bit of fruit and 1/2 cup of chia seeds and around a gallon of water a day. The easiest way to this is via green smoothies. I think you do this for around 4 weeks. She says she has loads of lupus patients that have gone completely into remission.

As I've had enough of this crappy lupus, that has turned my life upside down I'm going to give it a go. Would be great to be in contact with anyone else that wants give it a go as well or has tried it in the past. Lol I think I'll need a bit of support.

You have to register to watch the videos for free, the last video will be available to watch on Monday. It's an interesting watch for anyone with lupus that needs a splash of hope!

Here's the link events.genndi.com/register/...

Sarah x

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Lupiknits profile image

I’ve been guilt tripped into what is supposed to be celery juice every day, but for me ( I refuse to invest in a juicer) that is a whole head of celery put through a nutribullet with a very small amount of orange juice. It yields about a pint of green stuff I suck up through a large straw. His reasoning is based on his good friend who developed such bad excema she had to give up her job and became housebound. The juice has done wonders for her ( many doctors had been no help). Did the juice do it or would it have happened anyway?

In my case a pint of frothy pulped celery is no hardship as I like the stuff, and celery is cheap. Good friend says give it a month then give up if no change.

BUT be very, very careful of the “cure” people. Once they have a hold of you via your email they will never leave you alone and keep offering “special prices”. We are all very vulnerable to any proposed cure and it’s easy to get sucked in.

I gave my maiden name and an old spare email address. I’m contacted every day. At the moment she’s very keen on helping me lose 20lbs of belly fat very quickly. I weigh 103 lbs. Thanks “ doc”! I checked out her credentials. She is not any kind of medical PhD.

The celery “cure” has cost no more than the celery itself.

overnighthearingloss profile image
overnighthearingloss in reply to Lupiknits

I always sign up to the summits using an email address that is not my important one. I think there may be something to Dr Brooke Goldners approach.

I was initially interested but wondered how she managed to escape anti coagulant therapy. But hey it has happened to me after being on warfarin for almost 10 years after I made dietary changes. 1 or maybe 2 swallows don't make a summer though so who knows. I have seen less inflammatory effects overall as well though so nutrition is certainly not harming me. But although I may be able to down a smoothie every so often I prefer my food to be more food like so don't engage in this sort of thing for any period of time.

Have to say though that even though I believe the nutrition approach can have positive benefits I blocked the emails from her in the end as they were too numerous and trying to encourage signing up to her husband's exercise routines.

But its worth watching if you haven't come across her before, not necessarily to buy any package she suggests but just to be aware of what she did so you might be able to adapt the approach.

sarahalice profile image
sarahalice in reply to overnighthearingloss

Hi Thanks for your message!

I'm a strong believer that we can at least help ourselves to better health. I don't believe that I could ever cure my lupus and I know I haven't got lupus because of my lifestyle choices. But I am truly hoping that I can help get my life back to something that resembles the norm. All I can say is I'm so fed up of it now and how it takes over every day, such a needy disease! I just need a little light at the end of the tunnel! I have done the whole vegan thing for the past year and a bit, and that has had a massive improvement on my cholesterol and blood pressure. Lol but unfortunately there's way too much lovely vegan junk and processed food out there so I need to focus more on the good stuff.

Yes Dr G and especially her husband send out so many emails!! And she does mention the paid group's a lot in her talks, but I've seen others out there do a much harder sell. I think she comes across as caring as well as someone that runs a business. I did look up how much a place in her class would cost and it looks like it's around £2000 which is crazy! Reminds me how lucky we are to have the NHS!

Wishing you all the best, Sarah x

overnighthearingloss profile image
overnighthearingloss in reply to sarahalice

I must admit that I was like you and never believed I could have had any lifestyle involvement in my health.

I certainly didn't deliberately set out to get ill. I don't believe anyone does.

But what I have become more aware of only over the last couple of years is that what we feed or dont feed ourselves can have real effects on health.

The fast paced stressful lifestyles that most of us are forced into living makes it extremely difficult to stay healthy. It encourages a fast food mentality even if you are not essentially living from fast food outlets. Instead we may be encouraged to rely on prepared foods or microwave meals too often for our own good. In addition advertising heavily promotes unhealthy foods or treats as if they should be a regular part of our diets. So then there is no wonder that its easy to believe that there is nothing wrong in eating that way. It becomes normal.

If we don't as a matter of course eat a diet that provides all the minerals, vitamins and enzymes that your body requires then over time deficiencies can build up. Marry that with all the extra chemicals that accompany modern life and then any deficiencies become majorly important.

So I believe its too easy to just say lifestyle factors don't contribute. But I believe we are largely unaware of just what lifestyle factors could be making us ill.

sarahalice profile image
sarahalice in reply to overnighthearingloss

Yes, I'm not too sure how anyone in the western world functions! Life is too fast paced and full of stress. But I suppose most people now don't have 100% health anymore and pace of life and the fuel we use is the main reasons!

I think having lupus that drains you in every way means that a lot of times it's just easier to go to the fridge or freezer then the microwave than actually make and cooked a meal. We are all putting toxic poison in our bodies via are meds then topping up the poison up with more in the form toxic and plastic food. Lol and there's a lot of vegan plastic food out there.

Well it's been day 3 of having extra green smoothies and my rash is settling already, so fingers crossed.

I wanted to watch the success stories video from Dr G before going 100% on the protocol but unfortunately the video didn't work so I haven't got to see it. So going for it Thursday once the fridge in stocked with kale!

Take care, Sarah x

Shorthouse profile image
Shorthouse in reply to overnighthearingloss

Wise advice ,I think I read ages ago that she had lupus ,all worth trying nutritionally .if nothing else I’ve lost weight.saying that I do feel heaps better.x

sarahalice profile image
sarahalice in reply to Shorthouse

Hi, yes I think she really went through it with her Lupus when she was a kid and now she has no sign of it.

Lol I definitely hoping for losing weight it will be a very welcome bonus!!


sarahalice profile image
sarahalice in reply to Lupiknits

Thanks for reply!

I also have email addy just for spam, the stuff that it's full of 🙄. I do get fed up of all these people making money out of the ill and hopeless, ie me. There are so many of us out there just needing anything to help them out of their situation, something to hold onto for hope and of course most of it if not all is snake oil . I am hoping that just boosting my nutrition will help and if not, not hurt in anyway. This way I feel like I'm taking back a bit of control. I'm like you and will not be buying anything special to do this. Lol the price to be in one of Dr Gs groups classes is around £2000! So I think for that price I can do it on my own.

I have tried celery juice as well, twice! I've never liked the taste and doesn't want to settle, let's just say I couldn't keep it down for long. I hope it helps with your symptoms. Please let know if it's worked after the month of you doing it.

Sarah x

Lupiknits profile image
Lupiknits in reply to sarahalice

Will let you know. At least I can keep it down!

Just seen this trailer if anyone is interested


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sarahalice profile image
sarahalice in reply to overnighthearingloss

Thank you for the heads up, signed up!


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