Hi all,
So after my ER visit I realized that had actually been considerate enough to print my labs. The doctor who saw me said my labs looked "good" and nothing to note. Now, when I took a look, the lab had flagged the CBC and the Metabolic. I went through it and there were five results that were not only abnormal in general, but abnormal for me overall.
Like many people I track all of my bloodwork because none of my doctor's share the same system. So I carry around this ridiculous binder for them! However, it's been good because I have learned to read basic labs and have caught significant problems when my doctors have dismissed results, scanned them too quickly or didn't do a historical comparison. In one case I was - quite literally - about 6 days away from dying. They all said a humble "sorry" when I brought it up, but it taught me the lesson I knew: always know your labs and what YOUR normal is.
In this case, I have gone anemic across the board. As in every test. Also, I had a 45% rapid onset decrease in my Mean Platelet Volume while my Platelet Count remained steady.
Here's where I just have to laugh: one doc wrote me to say that these tests are the same thing and the drop is clinically insignificant. One told me to eat lots of fruit. I'm allergic to most fruits and he knows this!!! The other one is radio silent and still waiting on my PCP.
Here's the deal. They made Mean Platelet Volume a standard part of a CBC test because it in and of itself has meaning and needs to be monitored. What's more is that the ratio between MPV and Platelet Count means different things are happening in the body.
I read a great article, which I will link to below, that explains it. But, long story short all of them are wrong! My Platelet Count steady with a big, sudden drop of my MPV is indicative of a number of things, but importantly for me (and us!) as a Lupie: kidney function, increased activity of Lupus whereby the bone marrow cells are being attacked and killed (thrombocytopenia) and severe anemia (which could be due to the lupus or in addition to. probably because as I never was anemic until all this business started).
Lots of other things too depending on the relationship of the two blood workups, but I am SHOCKED at the kicking of the can, mtelling me to eat food that will kill me as it's in my chart under Allergies and the crickets.
So, I have to ask: how do we all feel when it comes to doctors reading BASIC bloodwork? Do you feel they are up-to-date and staying current?
Also: if you track your blood work how do you do it? I just have a folder but was wondering if there was a better way.