Hi there , i just want to get some opinions on a rash ive had on my arms for 6 weeks . It’s itchy, it can get hot , long sleeves aggravate it. I have been using E45 and hydrocortisone which gives short term relief only . I don’t have lupus , i have Sjögrens which can also cause some skin problems. I haven’t been to the gp yet as I’ve hoped it would clear but i should get an appointment sorted as i have occipital pain mow as well . Do you think it is eczema or autoimmune , I have had episodes of eczema in the past which settles with treatment .
6 week rash ☹️: Hi there , i just want to get some... - LUPUS UK
6 week rash ☹️

Hi weathervane
This looks a lot like contact dermatitis.
Have you been in contact with anything that could have caused this? Can also be something you’ve eaten, although usually this would result in the whole body breaking out. I would definitely visit your GP. Six weeks is a long time to be suffering like this. Xx
Thanks gloomy Eeyore , it is another possibility , but I would have thought that the creams would have helped clear it . I haven’t added anything new to my diet or changed washing products so I can’t pinpoint a trigger. Xx
Have you changed the brand of anything in your diet? I remember my Dad coming out in a rash like this many years ago. He had no allergies to food and washing powder and bathing hadn’t been changed. Pinned the culprit down to coffee at his work. They had changed the brand.
My brother also had a problem last year but in his case it was fly spray that caused the problem.
Hope you find out the cause soon and get something to sort it. Xx
Could it be related to the campylobacter or antibiotic for it? Hoping you had a good recovery from it, sounded absolutely awful 😣
Calendula cream might sooth.
GloomyEeyore 's right - time for the GP xxx
Hadn’t thought about that eekt , though I finished the antibiotics a while ago , they just irritated my stomach at the time . I think i will try and get a gp appointment as its getting colder and will need to wear sleeves soon!!
I have this- been told it’s related to wheat/gluten intolerance. Tends to go away when I avoid it. Takes 2-3 weeks to go down. Last bout caused soy sauce.
I have had many rashes over a lifetime looking like this (from photo). Often in the past I wasn’t able to pin them down but now they are rare and I’ve got a little better at spotting triggers.
For me it doesn’t seem to be food related usually unless my gut is directly involved - but I am very sensitive to many chemicals and if it’s localised like yours for me it’s an allergy to something topical or stress related eczema.
So if this was me I’d be thinking of sprays, rubs, sun cream, plants, paint, solvents and insect bites rather than foods.
When I have reactions to medications absorbed through the gut it’s often been to meds containing Sulpha and the rash will rapidly spread from one part to all parts or affect my face - triggered often by sun exposure.
I should warn you that, unusually, some like me are fine with a medication, pet, or topical cream etc for ages and then can suddenly become very intolerant to it years later. It can get very severe before I pinpoint the cause. So don’t rule drugs like Hydroxy out just because you think you’re fine on them. But unlikely to start on one arm only I guess. Sulfasalazine allergy started by neck swelling and then a violent sun rash on my neck and then hit the soles of my feet?!
You probably need an antihistamine to take as well.
Also contact with some animals, pets, visiting people’s homes with cats or dogs or getting a new pet can trigger rashes for me. For eg I had anaphylaxis from a kitten someone gave us once and left it a few days until it was actually very dangerous (eyes closed and tongue swelled - got such a row from GP), assuming it couldn’t be kitten because we had cats already.
Also this could be eczema or Psoriasis as I often get eczema on my arm and Psoriasis is autoimmune.
Definitely show your GP rather than trying to guess. Xx
I have had severe rashes on and off , the worst was all over rash during pregnancy, hormones related . More recently it has been heat rashes, not the present cause, the only thing that i can think of was staying at mother in laws and different washing powder but that probably wouldn’t cause rash localised to my arms?? Anyway it looks like im off to the gp again which I really try to avoid! Im on an anti histamine already and ive been off hydroxy since November, maybe should change to different anti histamine!
I replied again W saying my main suspect would be eczema - as hydrocortisone a drop in the ocean for me. Have you got anything stronger such as betnovate to hand plus an over the counter antihistamine eg Piriton? This could do the trick without involving GP perhaps?
I have the same autoimmune diseases as you and very similar skin problems to yours - hormones biggest trigger of eczema followed by any change in washing powder and stress! It’s usually where you sweat. I don’t sweat much these days so no eczema?
Hi weathervane. So sorry about the rash...must be driving you mad.
Not sure what anti-histamine you're taking (suspect over-the-counter)...if it's not working, your GP can prescribe a more powerful anti-histamine called Fexofenadine (and there are others).
Fexofenadine was originally prescribed for me by a dermatologist and it worked where other over-the-counter antihistamines failed.
Good luck. Hope you find an answer and get some relief PDQ.
My Mother has Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes and a whole other host of things, but also Sjörgrens. She came up with a similar rash to this one, lasted for quite some time before anyone would do anything about it! The itching was unbearable and she would wake herself up itching at night. She would scratch so much sometimes she would make herself bleed. I am her full time carer and basically demanded she needed to see a Dermatologist so we got referred and he was lovely.
Basically, he said that it was to do with the Rheumy (but equally, it could be the Sjörgrens, they’re so closely linked!). He popped her on a high dose of a morning and evening (two different tablets) of antihistamine. She also went onto Methotrexate soon after, and a combination of these three meds seemed to get rid of it in almost 4 days.
She did have a flare up again about 6 months later, but we came to know this was because the tablets weren’t agreeing with her. Now she is on Metoject and has been fine!
Just my five eggs - it does look very similar. Please don’t hesitate to go to the GP now as it is seeming chronic, whether autoimmune or not! Don’t suffer anymore than you have to and let us know how you get on lovely ☺️💖
PS to me this looks very like my eczema - in which case I would need to hit it much harder with a strong steroid cream and oral antihistamine for treatment to have any impact
Dear weathervane,
To me, your rash, looks like an Allergic Reaction, to 'Something'. Have you changed your, well 'Anything', Diet, Washing Powder, Cleaning Powders/ Fluids, Shampoo (yes even that), Bedding (new sheets, blankets, duvet, pillow- even if it is 'Hypo-allergenic'-), air freshener, toilet roll- or wipes-, make up (if you are a girl), pads- incontinence or otherwise, body spray, clothes, or gloves/ boots.....The possible list is just 'Endless'. My advice, yes do see your Doctor/Consultants, but also think, very carefully, has Anything Changed....well no...except....erm….? Another Thought, just 'popped in', have you recently changed your Routine? Are you going to/ Attending somewhere new?
As I said, right at the Start, there are Absolutely Loads of Variables, any one of which could be a Trigger. Do try, to get, this Sorted Out though before it Drives You Mad! A friend of mine, some years ago now, had- how can I put this- rather 'Personal Itching', that drove her 'Stark Staring MAD'! The cause turned out, to be, some Scent Crystals
Thanks AndrewT , unfortunately I can’t think of a trigger, i do tend to stick to the same brands as i do have sensitive skin . I hope i can get it cleared up as it drives me mad at times ☹️
Hi andrewt
Hope you don't mind me asking but did your friend get treatment for her awful itching or did it just clear getting rid of the known trigger?. My mum is suffering in a similar way and it's awful isn't it?. Misty.
My friend, having actually Found the Cause, just stopped adding the crystals, to the wash. It took a month, or so, but 'Little By Little' her skin recovered.
I had a rash like that on arms and chest. It biopsied for subacute cutaneous lupus and cleared with plaquenil.
For some reason, towards the end of my reply, and I certainly Didn't 'hit' Return- my Reply got 'Posted'. As I was Saying 'The cause turned out, to be, some Scent Crystals that, she was adding, to the wash'. One, of my own, Cousins- a girl of about seven- would Wet Her Bed, if a particular 'Plug In', was used.
Anyway I will end now weathervane, I hope that you DO find, the solution to your Rash. Will you let us know please?
Kindest wishes
Hi waethervan I had the same but doesn't last that long. Was given by doctor Benvate cream.
Poor you.
Go back to your doctor. Then, when it breaks out again get cream on your repeat prescription.
Wonder of im too warm? Notice cardigans can irritate it too.
have you put anything on it? looks similar to dermatitis.
Hi there 😀 i have been using hydrocortisone and E45 for 6 weeks with no results, changed antihistamine to periton today . Don’t know what started it off but it won’t go away !!! How are you keeping yourself at the moment , I hope things are good xxx
if that doesn't work you might need something stronger. Afraid you'll have to see a Dr. I'm doing ok. How is your son?
I can’t get a gp app for over 2 weeks, receptionist said to phone Thursday for an emergency app , maybe i will have scratched my arm off in 2 weeks LOL !! My son is doing well , methotrexate is agreeing with him now and dermatologist was pleased with progress as lumps had receded which is great , he back at hospital in 2 weeks. . Thanks for asking xxx
Hydrocortisone can sometimes aggravate these rashes and will thin your skin over time. Please see a doctor for better treatment regimen, as six weeks makes this very likely inflammatory in nature and a course of steroids may be required. Feel better soon friend!
It looks like a lupus rash to me but I'm only a nurse
Ps managed to get an appointment to see gp on Monday, just as well as hand joints and hip are now painful, also have occipital pain on and off , so going with a list LOL !!
Hi Hun. Big sympathies to you. I also had a rash which looked very similar which turned out to be an allergic reaction to hydroxychloroquine.