ive had issues with hair loss but now my hair has become really brittle and is snapping really badly. Anyone else with experience of this? Did you find anything that helped? X
Brittle hair?: ive had issues with hair loss but... - LUPUS UK
Brittle hair?

Hi I've experience this. My hair has now become thinner, shorter and brittle. To date I've not found anything that helps yet. I do eat a good diet and I'm hoping in time it will get better.
Yes, I’ve noticed this and my hairdresser has too, I was told to use a treatment once a week and don’t blow dry my hair after it, try to only wash my hair twice a week, so I use dry shampoo other days.
I’m not sure how much it’s helping as I still don’t feel like it’s ‘my’ hair if that makes sense, the hydroxy also seems to be making my hair lighter, but after 6 months on it I’m finding that less hair is falling out than before so that’s a positive, but I would like ‘my hair’ to come back now-I miss it!
I'm about 4 months in to taking hydroxy, fingers crossed it will lessen soon. Thanks for your reply.
I know what you mean about ''My'' hair. I've always had a mission to take my really thick wavy hair and have kept it short most of my adult life, I now miss having a mission to take it. It's like candy floss but the fact and I can snap it off freaks me out! Xx
You never quite appreciate things until they go, I keep seeing photos of the pre lupus me and being shocked how much my appearance has changed, especially on a bad day.
I keep focussing on patience and being told about people who go into remission on medication and handle it all amazingly well.
My mums friend who is a nurse said she finds with a lot of rheumatology patients that they need to give the body about 18 months to 2 years for things to stabilise on medication. My daily mantra is to just keep breathing through it all, followed by lots of deep breaths!
When I first got lupus my hair all fell out. Everyone says it’s only hair but you really don’t know how much it effects you until it happens.
Every time I went to see my lupus doctor he always checked to see if my hair was regrowing.
He said some times the lupus can effect your hair follicles and not grow back or get to a certain length and snap off.
Hope this helps
Sarah x
Hey cathylou - absolutely and it’s a bit depressing I know! The other night I went to bed with some Aveda Beeautyfing Oil on my head and a shower cap - have to day my hair was much better in the morning after washing and conditioning. I’ve ordered some Morroconoil from the web to use next time - the light version for blondes - and will do the same. And use a good quality treatment each time u wash yr hair with a gentle shampoo. Actually I’ve been reading about the brand Grow Gorgeous and wondrred if anyone had tried their (v expensive) products with any success? Be great to hear. Please let us know if the oil trick works - coconut oil or olive or sunflower oil will prob work too. Oh, and use a good hair oil after like aveda’s Damage Remedy hair oil. Expensive but I took the hit! All the best x
Hi Cathylou, yes I had exactly this, plus hair loss. The Phyto Hair care range has something called Phytokeratine Extreme Cleansing Care Cream for ultra damaged, brittle and dry hair. You can use it instead of a shampoo and conditioner. They also do a Phytojoba Intense Hydrating shampoo which can be alternated. Available on phyto-haircare.co.uk and elsewhere. There is a very expensive range called Phyllia M. Available at phyllia.com but also at victoriahealth.com. They try and sell you the whole range but the superstars are the two leave in sprays called Connect and Re-Connect which can be used after a gentle shampoo. As I say very expensive but they really work. When my hair was in a terrible state - I paid up but now use the Phyto. I also love Aveda's very gentle Shampure shampoo but what I found was completely useless was their so-called thickening range called Invati. You will also need only one wash not two. I hope this helps you. Just know that it can recover! With very best regards, Lily

Hi Cathylou,
It is recommended that people with fragile hair should try using baby shampoo and 'leave-in' conditioner rather than a 'wash-out' one. It is likely to provide more moisture to the hair strands, helping to strengthen them.
Also, a tip from my personal experience would be to heat coconut oil, olive oil and argan oil (1 tablespoon each) together and apply this (luke-warm temp) to your the bottom of your hair, especially the tips, for at least 3 hours before washing out. This should help lock in moisture and prevent hair from breaking.
thanks for the suggestions everyone ☺
Try Phillip Kingsley's Elasticiser ....It's a pre shampoo conditioner & is expensive, but it does help condition problem hair.
Although my baby fine hair didn't fall out with RD drugs it did become lifeless.
After using this PK conditioner it is so much better.
You can see it on QVC. If you buy a small size to try it out &'feel it's not for you ...you have 30'days to return for a full refund.
Hi cathy. I can sympathise. My hair texture seemed to change instantly. Previously sift and in good condition to very dry brittle and breaking easily. I haven't found anything to help so far 😔