Hi my names Mary, I have cutaneous Lupus, was wondering if anybody has any ideas of suntan lotion which doesn’t leave awful stains on clothes.
Sun tan lotion: Hi my names Mary, I have cutaneous... - LUPUS UK
Sun tan lotion

Piz Buin lotion not oil is fine don’t know where you are .im in England x
Hi Mary, Nivea Sun Protect and Refresh Cooling Spray SPF50 is clear and non-greasy when you rub it in to your skin, just allow it a few minutes to dry. It doesn't damage my clothing and doesn't feel greasy and uncomfortable in the heat. I use it in conjunction with protective clothing and it works well as long as I am not in direct sunlight for too long. Wendy39 answered a question I posted about this with lots of great advice about sun protection - I'll post the link in a moment...
Here's the link - there are many helpful tips from the lovely people on the forum.
I too use Nivea sun pure sensitive with aloe vera spv 50 - I rub it on in the mornings at the same time as I take all my other meds and brush teeth etc. It works perfectly for me.
I use, and thoroughly recommend this product, it is the only one on my super sensitive skin that does not make me get hot skin wise, and feel like I am covered in lard, does not stain clothes. High SPF.
I use Sun sence ultra i get it on prescription its quite good and as i was using a lot all year round it has ssved me a packet!
Thanks, I have had sunsense on prescription, but ended up with all these yellow stains on my clothes, also came in a massive bottle, which I did actually siphon into a smaller container. A few people have recommended Nivea so going to try that lotion. For some unknown reason I have actually got less rash so far this year.
Have you tried sunsense ultra 50 roll on? It's not listed on prescription items but I order from pharmacy or you can get it from Amazon. It leaves no stains or white residue whatsoever.
Thanks for advice have used sunsense lotion which comes in a massive bottle on prescription and does leave marks on clothes, will query about roll on, which also sounds easier to carry around.
Definitely easier to carry. I have one in each handbag. Do give it a go. The sunsense cream left a horrible residue on skin but this doesn't .
Thankyou everyone has been so helpful. Will ask at chemist and few people have also suggested Nivea, which I have since bought. Going to America next year someone has also suggested Neutrogena ultra sheer dry touch is very good and we can buy it for a good price there. Out of all these we must be on to a winner. Hopefully no more ruined clothes!!
Ordered sunsense roll on this morning at local chemist, in this afternoon,so already to go!!
Brill, let us know how you get on. Xx
Hi Amber560. I use Neutrogena Ultra sheer dry touch. Choose factor 50 or above. Amazon sells many , bit pricey but my father in law brings me home factor 100 neutrogena from America. It does appear on my car door handle or dark wood table occasionally but not on my clothes! I wait ten minutes before dressing. May take time to find one you like but I love Neutrogena. Doesn’t it cost a lot! I don’t like sunsense either but keep searching for the one for you.
Good luck Kerrclan
Your first person who has agreed about sunsense. Somebody else recommended Neutnrogena so looked on Amazon but delivery was after our hols. We are going to America next year. My rash usually starts to go in September/October, and usually starts again May, but not this year was July. Thank you so much for your good wishes.
Walmart sells at $8.50 so definitely stock up in Walmart next year. Happy holidays this year🌈👍
Just come back from America bought neutrogena as suggested from Walmart, haven’t tried it yet. Actually bought a 100 factor so don’t know what lotion will be like.
Hey Amber560!
So good to hear back from you. Hope you enjoyed holiday. I’m using factor 100 now too! I have to say it’s great protection & I find I don’t need to reapply as often. Sunsense was very thin coating & I never really felt I was wearing enough no matter how much I applied. It’s really hot today our warmest yet in fact so I’m well buttered up with factor 100😂 .
I’m so lucky to have a summerhouse out back so I can stay protected but still enjoy outdoors. I’m all set.
By the way I wait ten minutes after I apply before dressing to reduce risk of transfer onto clothes. Let me know how you get on.
We had a lovely time in Orlando, but didn’t expect temperature to be in 30s this time of year. Water parks were a bit difficult to keep fully protected, I use a long sleeved shirt, plus lotion. Fortunately at this moment have no rash. Thanks about advice apply lotion 10 mins before dressing, because I’ve ruined so many clothes. Will give you an update on results when lotion used. Mary