If have a chance watch 'Brain on Fire'
I'm sure we cn all relate to how the parents feel. It's about a Brain Autoimmune Disease
If have a chance watch 'Brain on Fire'
I'm sure we cn all relate to how the parents feel. It's about a Brain Autoimmune Disease
Yes. I saw this the other night. I learned about the book when an interview with her was on the radio, directly after I left the same ward of the same hospital after having a seizure in the ER . Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky??? enough to be diagnosed there, and was treated really badly. (As if I had a psychsomatic episode, despite high inflammatory markers, lactic acidosis, and the seizure being seen in the ER by a doctor, and on the EEG, and getting better on heperin.) Still really angry about the whole thing. Although have much better help, since. My last rheumatologist asked me if I had read the book. They did the test for her antibody in the neurology ward, I expect knowing their previous misdiagnosis of the author and the her forthcoming book, and I didn't have it.
Since my family still doesn't understand, I've been thinking of giving them the movie as "home work." I wasn't having psych like issues in the three weeks before I went to the ER, just lots of neuro issues, so I am afraid it might confuse things for my siblings.
Oh my goodness I am so very sorry you've suffered this. Shame on them! You must feel so let down by people you put trust in, for your life...
I cried through the entire movie. This hit me very hard even though I don't have brain inflammation. I have so many other issues that have all been put down to menopause. Funnily I went through menopause over ten years ago when I had chemotherapy & radiotherapy.
I'm so pleased that someone took time out of their life to care as well as do their job. Now the information is out there.
I hope you are getting the attention and treatment you require.
Look at the entire person doctors, after all you trained for this.
Thanks very much.
The flare that brought on the seizure came after being in the sun for two days. I'm still not absolutely sure it was a lupus flare that brought on an Hughes syndrome flare, or just Hughes. I think any one who has these brain issues might find it interesting.
How are you now AnnNy?
I found it interesting on how everyone assumed she was drinking. They didn't look at the person as a whole. I think if she wasn't having seizures she might not have been reinvestigated. So many symptoms are put down to life style assumptions or age and not totally investigated. 🌻