Hello everyone. Hope everyone is doing well. Let me summon up my couple of months. I was in NYC moved overseas for a job offer. Once I got it and after a month with out any treatment ( I have lupus and R.A) I was taking methotrexate and humera injections. Well after a month overseas without treatment I finally found a doctor. Did some blood work my liver enzyme was high 140. He asked me to stop any meds I'm taking until w figure out why is it so high. I want to another doctor after a month for another opinion he took blood works and aske me to comeback for the results. Once I did I was nervous bc I felt myself being weak and lazy just wanna sleep hard to wake up I needed my meds bck. He looked at me said are you sure the speaclist in NYC diagnosed you with lupus I said been a year now since they did . He said well your results came back normal nothing is wrong I'm sorry I do t be able to treat you. I went home crying bc now I'm confused. Can he be right can they mis diagnosed me? Has anyone been through this before?
Blood works and my results : Hello everyone. Hope... - LUPUS UK
Blood works and my results

Hi Sabrina
Could you go back to the original doctor you saw?. The problem with going to different ones is that you'll get different opinions and as has happened end up hurt and confused if they don't tally!. Best of luck , hope you get it sorted and feel better soon. X
That's a tricky situation to be in. The average lupus diagnosis takes about 7.5 years and by seeing this new doctor it sounds like starting all over again. I have only ever had 2 positive ANA blood tests since my diagnosis in October 2013. And my DS anti DNA have always been within normal range. Yet I have SLE and have just found a new Rheumatologist who understands that he must listen to the patient and not just look at the blood tests. Your ANA might be negative right now as you still have methotrexate in your system?!?! Is that possible? I'm not an expert though. Either see your old doctor as soon as possible or hunt down a lupus expert. My new doctor involves travelling for about 6/7 hours to get there and the same back. But it's worth it. Let us know your thoughts and what you are going to do. In the meantime keep a record of your symptoms and take photos of hair loss, rashes, swellings - basically any visible symptom. You need to arm yourself with facts and proof, whichever doctor you see. Good luck.
By the way, what country are you in? Maybe a fellow member here can help?
Wendy I was in NYC but moved to Dubai for a job. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. I think I think travel bck to the states. I've went thru 4 different doctors in Dubai and all gave me different results it's driving me crazy. To answer your question I wasn't on any meds for 2 months now bc my liver enzyme was high as I was told from the previous doctor. Now went to a new R.A and said nothing is wrong with me it's all in my head or maybe NYC doctors where wrong. I know how I feel. I feel lazy tried can barely walk and weak that's not in my head. Thank u for the reply
Lupus UK administer this site and they will be checking posts tomorrow. I really hope that they can advise you further. I can't help recommend a lupus doctor in Dubai. Sorry. Sounds like your New York doctor was a good one. It not all in your head. It's just the doctors you've seen in Dubai aren't lupus specialists. Stay strong and stay in touch here. Wendy x
Hi Sabrina_25, I am new here and I was diagnosed in 2013 at Lupus Unit St.Guy's and Thomas Hospital in London . The specialist is Prof. Dr. Munther Khamashta and he left in Dubai in 2014. Maybe you are lucky to find him, as he is one of the best. My best wishes of good health and hope.
Look what I found - he's in Dubai Hospital according to this.
Hope that link works???
Wendy x
Thank you guys so much I will definitely look and make an appointment with the doctor. You guys are amazing thank you so much
Sabrina_25, I haven't seen any posts or updates from you recently. I hope you are OK and found the lupus doctor out there in Dubai. Thinking of you. Wendy x