Aw well seen my rheumy today! Well everything got sidetracked today. I suffer with PTSD and panick attacks, as if there isn't enough going on with my body. Arrived early and waiting area jammed packed... panick attack haven. By the time I saw my rheumy (brilliant by the way) I was in a right state. So sorting my panick attacks nightmares and night terrors was uppermost and referral done. Appointment to see rheumy in 4 weeks, so suppose I'll have to put up with the sweats till then. She did say once my chest infection cleared (ye tell me about it, out of hospital with 1 infection cleared to get another) I can go back on Mycophenolate Mofetil then if everything ok I might be able to come off prednisolone π€π»
But.... has nobody any tips on handling the sweats please, they're worse with slightest exursion and for me that's getting into the wheelchair. Any help with dealing with panick attacks would be greatly helpful too.
Gee I've just read through my post and I sound pathetic, I'm not really just been through a heck of a lot.