Dealing with pleurisy with my lupus, painful. Finished first round of treatments 3days ago. Pain is returning. Any one else been down this road
Lupus and pleurisy: Dealing with pleurisy with my... - LUPUS UK
Lupus and pleurisy

Hi, had the same misfortune the previous two years, twice this January. Hoping now that I have a diagnosis and on medication that it won't be three years in a row. Hope you get some relief soon. Take care & have a Merry Christmas x
I get this several times a year. The most recent bout started about a month ago and is still causing me loads of pain. Every time I step down the steroids, the pain steps up. Pain relief and steroids are key. I do hope you feel better soon, the pain is excruciating xxx
Hi Clareb
So sorry to read you are suffering with pleurisy at the moment!. So painful for you!. Do hope your better soon and your coping with the Christmas hols and festivities!. Tough time it is when we're poorly. Hope you can get the steroid mix right and improve. It's so hard refucing!. How's your leg?. Take care. X
Happy Christmas Misty. Thank you for your sympathy- I don’t deserve it because I keep overdoing it with long dog walks on the Exmoor & (Quantock Hills)! My legs are weak as well so the uphills kill my lungs whilst the downhills test my quads severely!!!
The leg is much improved but still signs of infection keep bubbling up and draining. My GP thinks it’s all settled but I don’t want more antibiotics. It’s very minor now in comparison. Nearly 6 months . .
How are you keeping? I haven’t been on HU a lot lately but I recall that you were awaiting some investigations? Have a lovely day xxx
Happy Christmas Clareb, glad you've been able to enjoy lovely walks . Your leg is a worry as the infection is not completely gone but better!. Six months is a long time and I understand why you don't want more antibiotics!. Are you still off Myco and just juggling the steroids?.
I've got a rapid heart rate now and just been put on a beta blocker to help the symptoms!. It's worked really well and won't know if I stay on it or try without it till my check up in Jan!. Have you had this?. Also facing a possible colonoscopy to see if different treatment needed for IBD!. Gastro deciding. Had one before, not nice doing the prep!. Thanks for asking Clare. Hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. X