Has anyone here had a case of pleurisy years ago, but never again in the course of your disease? Please share your experience with pleurisy.
Thanks! Have a super day!
Has anyone here had a case of pleurisy years ago, but never again in the course of your disease? Please share your experience with pleurisy.
Thanks! Have a super day!
Hi shares smile
I had a case of pleurisy a few years ago and haven't had a repeat since luckily as it can be extremely painful.
Sorry you have had it, hope I've helpedX
I too had it years ago. Terrible pain. Went to ER. Unfortunatlley. It turned into pneumonia.
Had pleurisy five times over two years a long time ago, and thankfully haven't had it since
Hello shareasmile (love the nameπ)
My pleurisy was v painful & debilitating, and mainly on one side...it came along when I was in a long drawn out flare feeling pretty rough & sleeping mostly at home for months...this happened in my mid 40s way before my infant onset lupus was recognised, so I was without any effective systemic meds (the NHS had me on prescription NSAIDs & analgesics for spondylosis, but all they did was make me feel like a zombie...now I suspect these meds MAY have somewhat lessened the strength of my pleurisy symptoms). I think I got the pleurisy because my SLE was active & I was generally run down + I have a primary immunodeficiency which makes me extra vulnerable to respiratory infections. Anyway, my GP diagnosed the pleurisy & put me on several weeks of antibiotics. The symptoms gradually settled, but no doctor bothered to figure out the underlying causes...I had to wait 13 years for those to FINALLY begin to be figured out π
I'm very interested in what type of meds help each of us to get over our versions of pleurisy!
ππππ coco
Hi coco!
I had pleurisy some 25 years ago. It was most painful, especially with laughing, coughing, deep breathing, lying down..... I was given an antibiotic and recovered within a week or so. I have not had it since. About the same time frame, I was diagnosed with raynauds. Several blood tests were run to check for autoimmune activity, but all were negative. Over the years, those blood tests were repeated maybe 3 times and still showed nothing. About 4 years ago, I began having extreme fatigue. 3 years ago, I developed achy, swollen, painful hands and feet. I was diagnosed with seronegative RD. Now I'm on Enbrel which helps significantly! Low and behold, last June, I had another ANA test which was 1:640--my first positive result ever! My rheumatologist now suspects lupus, MCTD, dermatomyositis or synthetase syndrome(whatever that is?). So I'm still searching for a diagnosis 25 years after having pleurisy. I feel like everything is connected, but it is amazing how long it takes for it all to come together (or not!)
Thanks for your reply!
There you are! Some similarities between us ππππ....many thanks for your pleurisy details: vvvv alike....make mine seem legit π mine was in 1998 ...I was diagnosed with lupus as an infant approx 1953-4, but my mother kept this secret until 2011, by which time symptoms in hands & feet had become unmistakable...but by then my lupus & sjogrens were sero neg (other immunologic blood results supported SLE diagnosis though: low lymphocytes, complements & immunoglobulins etc). So from the time I left home in the usa to enter NHS care @ 2, it took 33 years for my lupus to be recognised...meanwhile the NHS was dealing with emergencies & sepsis & a malignant tumour & diagnosing a typical collection of secondary conditions π etc etc
Glad to meet you πππππ
MCTD Is a mixed connective tissue disease that attacks tissues much like pleural tissues as well as others...jumps around just as it pleases! May or may not go there again???
I had pleurisy about 30 years ago. Just once.
I think I have had 2 or 3 times. I remember the first time I had it and the last time I had it but im pretty sure I had it somewhere in the middle. Luckily I've never had it too bad. One time long ago before I even knew what lupus was I went to A&E with what I called rib pain as I had spent like 2 days on pain meds with no changes. They x-rayed me and nothing came up so they said it was probably just a pulled muscle. However they did say I should I go see a gp based up the clause behind it but it was just brushed off by a gp. It wasn't till like five years later when I was seen by a rheumatologist that I was given the official term for it.
Hi Share a smile. I have had pleurisy twice several years ago before I was diagnosed. A medrol dose pack helped tremendously and I haven't had it since. I hope I don't get it again as it is very painful. Best of luck to you.
what all kind of pain did you have
With me the pleurisy presented as a very sharp pain up and down my chest when I took in a deep breath. It was pretty severe pain about 6-7 on pain scale. Once I took the steroids it gradually subsided. Both times I got it was after a chest cold.
I don't know , what wrong with me been to three different er and they can't find the problems, o have been having real bad right side pain and in my back on the right side also under my rib cage, they say 3 small kidney stones but it can't be causing the pain can someone help me find out what going on, is it a flar up of my lupus i don't have a fever
Kidney stones can cause that kind of pain if they are obstructing urine flow. Did they do a chest x-ray, to see if you have any inflammation around your lungs or in your lung lining? Sometimes They can hear a rub When they listen to your lungs in pleurisy. If the pain persists you probably need further work up. I hope you find the answer. β€οΈNan