Raised bloods: Hi everyone I have many symptoms of... - LUPUS UK


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Raised bloods

onamission profile image
5 Replies

Hi everyone I have many symptoms of lupus but not diagnosed, the beginning of November I was ill high temperature loss of appetite and just wanted to sleep. My GP sent me for bloods and my results came back showing my liver was raised he asked to repeat them 2 weeks later and they came back even higher he is now sending me for a ultra sound.

My question is can Lupus have an effect on the liver I know it can effect your lungs I have COPD.

Hope you all have a good Christmas and all the best for 2018

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5 Replies
whisperit profile image

Hello onamission,

Since lupus/SLE is a systemic disease, it is possible for any organ in the body to be affected, so I guess a simple answer to your question is 'Yes'

But according to the British Liver Trust, "'abnormal' liver function test results are not uncommon" and there are many possible causes, some serious and others fairly trivial. (see this link for details britishlivertrust.org.uk/li... )

I imagine you have discussed the possibility of lupus/SLE with your doctor and had the relevant specific bloods done too (ANA, dsDNA etc?) I would think that these will be much more likely to tell you whether lupus or a similar auto-immune disorder is responsible for your symptoms than the liver results. It's a stressful business waiting to get a definite answer on these things, isn't it, and good to hear that you are having further tests. Hopefully, that will help clarify what is going on for you.

Have a good Xmas yourself! x

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to whisperit

Hi whisperit thank you for your reply and link.

I was sent to see a consultant he didn't know what was wrong then realised I had COPD and told me all my symptoms were due to steroids. I'm with a new GP due to my old practice closing he read the letter and shook his head in disbelief when he read my symptoms and his reply and assured me this consultant had retired.

I'm not interested in a name I just want treatment and to feel well again

Chanpreet_Walia profile image
Chanpreet_WaliaLUPUS UK

Hi onamission,

Yes, lupus can affect the liver. According to The Lupus Encyclopedia, the liver can be affected by lupus in many different ways; liver blood test abnormalities are very common in people who have lupus. The most common reasons for elevated liver enzymes are medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is important to bear in mind that lupus presents differently in everybody therefore, it is unlikely for two people to share the exact same experience.

There are specific tests and criteria that are required in order to make a diagnosis of lupus which you can read about here: lupusuk.org.uk/getting-diag...

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to Chanpreet_Walia

Thank you Chanpreet_Walia I have just joined a new GP practice and I only went to see a GP because I was so unwell. He did bloods that came back raised and repeated them 2 weeks later which came back higher he has now ordered a ultra sound. HE read the letter from the Doctor I went to see about Lupus then he realised who it was and shook his head in disbelief as he blamed all my symptoms on steroids even the rash on my face.

I'm going to have this ultra sound scan and see what comes out of that thank you once again for your help

onamission profile image

Hi folks just had a ultrasound on my live it shows I have a non alcoholic fatty liver my GP seems to think it is this that is causing high levels in my bloods.

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