Ive been ill now for over a month, the pain gers worse every day and the doctor wont give me pain meds as he wants the Lupus specialist to see it in its 'truest' form. Is this right??? At the moment I cant walk, I cant bend my knees at all and I cant lift both arms or turn my neck. Its been so bad I have wanted to go to hospital, in hope they might give some pain relief. I also have a viral infection just now with swollen glands, so I am taking antibiotics too. Im taking about 20 tablets a day and nothing is helping. I get about 2 hours during the day where my joints calm down and i am able to walk, sometimes shower and make food. But by about 7pm i am too sore to do anything.
The worst flare up: Ive been ill now for over a... - LUPUS UK
The worst flare up

Hi jodziebear
So sorry to read your suffering so much!. Your GP could give you pain medication without it affecting outcome of blood results for lupus. !. You must feel dreadful . It's steroids that can mask resukts so that's probably what your GP meant. Sounds like your finding it difficult to get a diagnosis which is also tough!. The other thing you could do if you don't improve is to try to bring your Rheumy appt forward by asking to go on cancellation list!. Either ring clinic or secretary. Your GP could also write to them asking for you to be seen sooner!.
I do hope you start to feel better soon. Take care.X
Thank you for your reply. I see a specialist on the 18th, there is no one in my area who understands lupus - not even doctors. I went and asked for pain relief and he said no, maybe because I am on too many tablets already. I dont even know what the specialist is going to be able to do, can they precribe pain relief or help in any way? Its a long way for me to travel, especially with sore knees and joints. If anyone has any tips on natural remedies, food etc then please help, i have tried everything 😞 X
Hi jodziebear
Glad your Rheumy appt is soon. They certainly can prescribe pain relief for you and appt could be very helpful. Tough you have to travel to get it!. You've certainly come to right place for help with navigating the medics and your health!. Have you thought about changing GP surgery to one that does understand lupus better?. You've got to be careful with natural remedies as they can boost your immune system , give you a flare and also interact with other drugs your taking!. Always ask in pharmacy where you have your prescriptions made up if you can also take a particular remedy. Can I ask what other drugs do you take?. Hope your starting to feel better. Keep us posted how the 18 th goes. Hope we'll for you. X
Hi Jodziebear ,
I'm sorry to hear that you are in so much pain at the moment. misty14 has given you some excellent advice which is great to see.
We have a blog article about pain management in lupus which includes tips from people with personal experience. You may find something helpful in it - lupusuk.org.uk/getting-diag...
So so Sorry you are feeling so rough right now.... I hope you are able to ease your pain soon.. xo