anyone else have runs oif night sweats mine are shocking
night sweats: anyone else have runs oif night... - LUPUS UK
night sweats

Hi Moss,
There was a blog about this a while ago. You might like to take a look at it -
iam getting mine all through day and night hun i dont know if its because i have fibromyalgia as well as lupus and is getting fed up of changing my clothes i havent been out for over 3 weeks because of it nothing worse than seeing a lady with sweat running down forehead, side of face and neck plus everywhere else but people cant see that i did go on clonidine but nothing didnt work my gp said there is medication for it but because iam on warfarin i cant take anything else iam truely thinking of taking myself off it so i can try something as at the moment iam so low and feel like i havent got a life anymore
Your question is timely. I have developed nights sweats recently, and last night I had two bad episodes where I was drenched and was going to pose the question. So in answer to your question yes!. I shall read the above mentioned article next.
Thanks Les
A couple of years ago I had night sweats (nothing during the day) but last summer a blood test showed I was perimenopausal. Apparently menopause can start early in SLE. i am only 42 but they will not give me HRT as my risk is too high. Night sweats have now stopped. Good luck.
Same here! I am also pre menopausal and my mum started her's at 24yrs I started at 38 and I am now 40yrs. My periods were so regular, every 28 days but now they are a little haywire - apparently I am a bit of a nightmare to live with lol! The other half is relieved when it is happy week lol!
Hi, this is my first post here. I've been having a bit if a run of them this week. I am showing twice a day. I wake up in the middle of the night and need to change my t-shirt, blow dry my hair at the back of my neck and change the part of the bed and pillow I'm sleeping on.
I have had this problem before, it happens every so often. And my body temperature just can't get right. Hope yours stops soon. Thank god for hairdryers I say.
Oops, showering...darn auto correct.
I too suffer this so i feel for first i just put it down to my time of life !!HA HA,,But this can't be the case everynight!I try to wear cotton materials next to my skin,i find i don't get so hot and itchy with it then,Hey,,what we have to put up with eh!
Hi, I have them sometimes only at night but some in the day as well, but then when it gets warmer just forget it (If I go out I take baby wipes, a towel and a change of clothes). When I get a bought at night I tend to sleep on a large towel (or 2) and have a blanket rolled up at the side of me. When I wake ringing wet I take out the towel and roll the blanket over, I wake later and throw the blanket off. It helps sometimes. Best wishes
mine are always on a night. it s so nasty waking up and the bed is wet and cold. get sick to death changing the whole bed. i can nt stand sleeping in it the next night
Yep I get the sweats too but shivering and goose pimples at the same time. I wonder if I will know when I hit the menopause.. I am 47 and gp has put me on mini pill to stop periods as hormones seem to make a big difference. My question is how will I know when I hit the menopause. In the meantime, lots of bargain pjs from Primark. take care. Jx
I suffer from this too asked my rheumatologist about it, she thought it was something to do with the general inflamation lupus causes. When i was having a bad flare up i noticed I would sweat and burn over certain joints at night, then those joints would be the next ones to be affected and painful the following day. Horrible-its like my thermostats knackered! I find I can actually be freezing cold and burning hot at the same time.