Hi all,
After a long journey of many years and worsening systemic symptoms (same as most people here I believe) I was during June diagnosed with UCTD and told the disease will possibly progress and become more identifiable. Upto that point both Lupus and Sjogren's had been mentioned.
Ive started Hydroxychloroquine and I'm already on steroids for IBD. I had some nausea around a week after starting it which lasted around a week but has now diminished. I don't appear to be having any other side effects currently.
I'm interested to know how people have got on with this medication. How long it took for you to see some benefits and what symptoms it helped? Also are there side effects I should be aware of that are common?
I feel abit relieved to finally get some sort of diagnosis and treatment. I've just moved back to England from abroad and will now be researching for a good rheumatologist in Manchester. I'll have a look at the website.
I was not happy to escape the heat only to arrive here in UK to 30 degrees!! I feel so much worse in the heat and can't tolerate the sun at all anymore.
Best wishes to all. Xx