I know I have been diagnosed with SLE but how can I be sure it's not MS as the symptoms are very similar?
I've thought about this previously as I want to be treated for the correct autoimmune diseases. But then a friend whose a nurse asked me today if I'd been tested for MS. As I understand it from research online, only an MRI can give a conclusive answer.
I'm seeing my Rheumy Thursday, giving her a list of my symptoms, and asking her straight what my prognosis is for the future and can she guarantee I have lupus and request an MRI even though I really don't want one!
My ANA was positive and I had a weak positive for Myosotis so think I'm going to request the myosotis again to see what the result is.
Is there an antibody for MS? Has anyone else wondered if they do have lupus, CTD or if it's MS? And have you been tested or had an MRI?