Hi all,
Apologies for missing so many of your wonderful posts which I am catching up on now but I have been somewhat self absorbed in my own little world that is a pain management course.
As some of you know, I was questioning the theory behind it and what were your thoughts on it.
I must say I met some wonderful people and made a couple of new friends and learnt a few coping strategies for when things get really bad. I really enjoyed a lot of the neuro science lectures too and the mindfulness topics and skills. However, I do have issues with a couple of the things taught.
I do understand how pain works, my neurologist explained it to me ages ago so what the course teaches is correct and truthful, but I really had to raise concerns over one thing in particular.
They go to great lengths to get you to believe that your pain is not doing you any harm or causing you any damage and it is just your over sensitive nervous system responding to some trivial matter. That's fine in a lot of cases but I took offence when they constantly generalised the statement. This should be toned down and emphasised that it's "usually" but not in all cases.
I believe us autoimmunees pain is different. We all have some degree of chronic pain going on for which this is true, but we also have recognised pain from things with a specific cause that cannot be ignored or brushed of, such as chest pain from lung issues or costochondritis, headaches from vasculitis, eye pain from dryness, stomach cramps from motility or IBS, joints pain from arthritis etc etc. All these things cause pain and although we are usually aware of them, there are always times when they worsen and need extra treatment or they escalate or we just know that something is not right. In this case, pain is an indicator of something being very wrong for us.
I know these things can happen to anyone, but for others, it would usually be acute rather than chronic so of course that is different. For us, we may already have these things but sudden worsening of the chronic pain should not be ignored and believed that it is not harming or damaging us in any way. This could be really dangerous to someone who was not as ready to challenge this as I was.
I have asked that future programmes be mindful to people with diseases/illnesses where their pain can actually be harming them and they need to act on it, not just ignore it.
Perhaps I was just being a bit too nit pickey? I don't know, but I really wasn't happy with the fact that it could potentially cause someone some serious harm.
Other than that though, apart from the tiredness and exhaustion of the long and intense course, I did quite enjoy it and learnt something too.