So my regular methotrexate query for those with more experience - I'm struggling a bit this evening with really painful tendons/joints especially in my hips and elbows. It's that really annoying pain where no matter what you do you just can't get comfortable and my shoulders are quite sharp pain.
I don't usually take painkillers as there are so few I can have (can't do nsaids for example) but every now and then I reach a limit where I need the relief and tonight is one of those times. As is law of sod though it's evening when I can't get any advice from my docs etc so I turn once again to you lovely people.
I know when I was being taught about the injections I mentioned painkillers and the nurse told me no paracetamol as it acts on the liver as well and that pain is better managed with getting the mtx right so I don't get it so much. Which is all well and good but doesn't help tonight. And daftly I didn't ask what I CAN take if I really need to. Anyone got any advice or know for certain if there's anything I can take that won't cause a problem. I have some nurofen in the cupboard which I can take just 1 tablet as a one off without reacting or I have 5mg diazepam tablets both of which will work to take the edge off but not sure if it's safe to take either. I wish they'd let me have a steroid injection to get rid of the flare and then the mtx would have a better chance too but there's no persuading them unfortunately
Any advice as always greatly appreciated