After waiting since beginning of Dec I've finally had a reply to reconsideration letter about the mobility side of my pip and they have said there decision stands so I'll now have to go to appeal, I don't know how you can go from full help on DLA to nothing. I wish they would understand how all the stress makes our conditions worse and how we battle every day to do things "normal" people take for granted. I'm now getting to the point of giving up all together. Coping with this life, this illness is just getting too much.
PIP: After waiting since beginning of Dec I've... - LUPUS UK

Hi Beverley_F ,
I'm sorry to hear that you are having so much difficulty with your PIP claim. Have you received any expert assistance with your application? For help with your appeal, it may be a good idea to contact the Welfare Rights Advisor at your local council, or failing that your local Citizens Advice Bureau?
Exactly the same happened to me. I also felt that because I'm not 'silly' I was considered to not need help! After my rejection I felt so down I couldn't face the trauma of an appeal, a decision I now regret as now my blue badge renewal has been refused. I am appealing but the blue badge seems to only be granted if you have been awarded full mobility. I have had the badge for 13years and am not coping without it.

I hope you can get it back, its just so unfair they are treating us this way and unless you have a condition like this I don't think anyone can understand even those closest to us. I cant even stand up some days.
That interesting that they rejected you because you can catch a bus. Their main argument on their assessment with me was because I can drive a manual car. So basically we need to not be able to walk, drive or use public transport??! that's actually so ludicrous it's funny - I wonder what excuse they'd use if you couldn't do all 3!