Hot flushes : Hi, does anyone experience hot... - LUPUS UK


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Hot flushes

educk profile image
11 Replies

Hi, does anyone experience hot flushes either from lupus or as a side effect? Im taking azathioprine, hydroxychloroquine, cyclizine, omeprazole and amytriptyline. I'm 20 so not age-related.

Thanks :)

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educk profile image
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11 Replies
happytulip profile image


Yes, oddly I have recently started to experience hot flushes. Not age related either. I've been in a persistent flare since September when Azathioprine caused gallbladder problems. I was then put on MMF which didn't seem to be very effective.

My Lupus has been much more active since December and during those times I was roasting one minute, to the point that I thought that I might collapse and then I would be shivering with cold. No temperatures, just flushing hot. I even used to open the freezer and stand in front if it.

I think that it is Lupus related and has improved slightly since I've increased my steroids to 17.5mg daily. I'be also just started methotrexate and am also on hydroxy as well as a load of other drugs.

I'd be interested to hear if hot flushes can be a sign of Lupus.

julie1234 profile image

Hi educk, I also suffer with these hot flushes but i don't get the cold bit afterwards. Sometimes I can't bare to have the heating on but I have to for others. I physically sweat with mine it drives me nuts.

Whilst my Husband is covered up in bed I am laying there uncovered and it's minus 4 outside I am going to Jamaica in March god only knows what it will be like then.

It is a big extreme from how I was as I always used to be cold all the time I have had my thyroid checked and it is fine.

soootired profile image

I recently started taking azathioprine, (on top of hydroxy, amytriptyline lansoprazole, naproxen and tramadol.) approx 6 weeks ago and have been waking up with hot flushes and feeling as though my heart is racing.

I have been feeling as though I'm flaring this past week so have been taking steroids first 15mg now 10mg since Monday and they have helped a bit but not this though.

I'm not sure if this is at all related and do apologise if not!

I am flaring and am having hot flushes so thought it might be related but at the same time am wondering if it could be the aza. We seem to spend our lives querying everything don't we... Or maybe it's just me!

Goldyukr profile image

I don't have lupus, but many other autoimmune issues and yes, I get this hot flushing every day. It's so upsetting and hard to deal with at times. I never know - is it medication or my illness? I am on different meds than you though, so maybe that says something.

Mystik profile image

sometimes Drs don't know they think is always the illness I try n eat well n pray we all fighters so don't give up

Oh yes. Even before menopause, I have had hot flushes the rheumy says it part of active lupus.

Meganx3 profile image

Hi, I have SLE and Sjogrens. I am on steroids and Hydroxychloroquine. I have been having the same problem, hot flushes. I asked my Rheumatologist about this problem last week and he said that it was likely to be the Hydroxychloroquine because I noticed that I only started to perspire about an hour after taking it in the afternoon. I was prior to my diagnosis and still am on a couple of your other medications and I never had this problem with them. When I was menopausal I thought my hot flushes were bad, but since taking my medications its literally like turning on a shower and it can be embarrassing when I am at work. Lucky for me I work with some lovely folk and they understand when I get my hand held fan out.

creaky profile image

I have hot and cold flushes, I'm 52 but my GP says that I am not yet menopausal, (going by my bloods). They were much worse while taking Oxycontin, but they are always there, I love sitting in the car, I can keep fiddling with the air con to stay comfortable, drives my husband nuts!

I have a chill pillow at night to help st cool.

educk profile image

Thank you everybody for your responses. I have an appointment with my rheumatologist in March so I will ask her then! :)

Mimi1950 profile image

I get them too. Today I had them bad, not fun.

Wendy39 profile image

Hello. Yes, I really suffered from these before my diagnosis and they made sleep even more difficult. I think I was flaring the whole of 2013 and was eventually diagnosed October/November and started on hydroxy. Luckily for me, this settled that symptom down, although I would say my sleep isn't always good now. I still get the odd hot flush, but nothing like the frequency and strength as the ones before. I am 42 by the way - 39 at diagnosis. So hopefully not the menopause for me just yet. It will be interesting to see what your Rheumy says - add it to your list of questions.

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