Here is an interesting observation I have noticed.
My whole life, until I moved to Alberta, (which is a drastically drier air climate than Southern Ontario - which is intensely moist and extremely humid, especially being right at Lake Ontario), I needed 10-13 hours sleep, right from adolescents.
When I moved to Edmonton, I required only 6-8 hours.
Now that I am back in Hamilton, find myself completely unable to wake up to the world on less than 10 hours of sleep, except! When I went bush camping last week. I found 8 hours to be a happy medium, with feeling refreshed. (I went camping in Northeastern Ontario where the humidity isn't as bad as Southwestern but still there).
One other variable. I've been receiving B12 shots weekly (they only last 4-5 days, then the intense fatigue hits me). I find I am not refreshed once these shots wear off (upon waking).
I am heading back to Alberta for a short visit with my Dad. I am curious to see if my required sleep is less there.
However, my question to those her how much sleep do you require before you feel completely rested? What are your air mass conditions like?
My long hours of sleep always played havoc on my working life. I am always late (when living in Ontario, and always on time when living in Alberta).
If others experience this, how do you cope with it? The longer time needed for restful sleep (concern is, if I don't get my 10-12 hours, it will take a family member about 15-45 minutes to simply get me out of my slumber state and into semi-wakefulness state, then another hour after I physically lift my head off my pillow).
What is normal for you and what diagnosis do you have exactly and what are the ways you manage your sleep?
I want to work again, but am afraid of always being late (again).