Hi there,
Yes I disappeared for a bit after my POTS diagnosis. Sorry about that. Struggled with diagnosis implications etc and medication. Anyway here I am after finally attending first Rheumy appt.
The consultant was extremely fast and didn't ask many any of questions I thought he might but nevertheless he seemed to have a plan. Skin biopsy for my rash probably. Maybe a saliva gland biopsy. And the dry eye schimers test & I think the nurse took about 10 tubes of blood. I got the dry eye test straight away and my question is about that...
At the end of the test the nurse said my results were 4 & 4.5 - now this has confused me... The strips are up to 3.5 cm but are generally read in mm. So a reading of 4cm couldn't have happened or could it? So did I read at 4mm & 4.5mm ? If I did I'm assuming that's very dry! But if 4cm then obviously not!!
So if anyone has don't the eye test - can you let me know what you think?! My eyes were really dry and sore/itchy at the end of it...
Much appreciated if anyone can share their thoughts on this. Thank you.