Does anyone use any ankle supports . When I am waking my right ankle starts to hurt a lot . I feel like it's going to snap . It makes feel as if I can't walk any further
Ankle supports : Does anyone use any ankle supports... - LUPUS UK
Ankle supports

I do wonder if something like this would be useful, like you have pain in my right ankle accompanied by stiffness and/ or swelling. Thankfully it isn't constant so I haven't tried anything yet, however I do find that different footwear can have either positive or negative effects . I've found a good pair of proper running shoes (not that I run anymore) are the best for supporting my ankle. I had a gait analysis done when I was running and I have to say they are the most supportive and comfortable footwear I have ever owned. However the downside of trying to find good footwear is I forever feel frumpy but at least I can move in relative comfort.
Yes, I wear trainers (good quality running) virtually all the time, which restricts the clothes you wear. Good job I don't have the job I used to have as trying to find any even moderately attractive shoes that I could wear for any length of time is a nightmare. Even Clarks etc shoes nowadays don't have any substance about them and are made from cheap leather that stretches really quickly leaving you with "gaping" sides. Also good job that I don't have an active social life!
iF YOU NEED SUPPORT IT DEPENDS WHERE THIS IS INSIDE YOU MAY NEED SOMTHING THAT SUPPORTS THE ARCH ON THE INSIDE OF THE FOOT try boots insoles first. And ask your doctor for an appointment with podiatry for gate analysis.
I've found my ankles and knees are much better since I went to a Shuropody shop and they actually measured the extent of my fallen arches,particularly on my right foot, where I also have a fairly significant bunion ( like my Mother and Grandmother). Until then I didn't know that there was a connection between fallen arches and bunions. They told me that when my weight was on my foot, it was a size 7.5, however ,with the weight off my foot it was a size 5.5! That explains why several years ago my feet went from a size 6.5-7 to 7.5-8.
I bought some insoles , foot active sensi, for £30 and they have made a huge difference to knee and ankle pain, and also bunion. You can feel that they correct the position of your foot. SInce then found them online for about £22 and now my Dad, who has ankles that appear to "collapse" inwards has them. Dad wears them in his "house shoes" instead of the slippers he used to wear which had no support. Be aware that they will push you up in your shoe. When I recently bought new training shoes, the back of some of the shoes was too low.
I wasn't going to try and get a podiatry appointment via GP, but if you have a chronic disease diagnosis then it's probably easier.
Will look in Boots at what insoles they have.
Hello LouLamb
I have suffered a form of tendonitis in my wrists and I bought these black neoprene wrist supports from Boots. I wore them, on and off, for 6 months. They did help. I get a similar feeling in my ankles now and again - I'm guessing it's a form of tendonitis there too and lupus related. Ibuprofen gel might help too - that's what my rheumy said. So speak to your Rheumy or GP or pharmacist for advice.
I also agree footwear is important. I got referred to a podiatrist - as well as lupus I have osteoarthritis in my hips and knees and am slightly hypermobile and flat footed - she told me no flat shoes. I had been wearing daps and flip flops thinking flat would be better! I should wear a shoe with an inch heel. Sturdy and supportive shoes. Sketchers or trainers are good. But I like Fit Flops best. I have a few pairs. They are podiatry approved. They are expensive but keep an eye on the website for sales. They are light and so comfy and a bit more fashionable than some of the high street options. I think Hotter is a good option but they feel a bit frumpy for me at 41. So maybe ask for advice from a podiatrist at your next appt.
Did you find out about Pilates or a suitable exercise class? As much as we feel exhausted and struggle day to day, gentle exercise does us good.
Best wishes.
Wendy x
I've taken up walking . So everyday this week I have been to the shops . Tomorrow and Sunday I probably won't go out . I'm trying to at least walk 4-5 days out the week now
Hi Wendy, I bought some Scholl type plastic sandals to use as slippers. Cant remember the make though, but made in Italy I think. They have good shape in the bottom and make a difference compared to walking around the house in bare feet.
Interesting that you say about tendonitis as I have problems with both thumb joints near the wrist. They keep saying it's osteo arthritis, but there is a particular point over the bone that is often excrutiatingly tender and I get shooting pains if I try to grip anything etc. Other times, maybe for a few weeks or more, I have no pain in them at all, which doesn't sound like arthritis to me!