Hi everyone,
Do any of you find certain foods cause flare-ups or make symptoms worse in general? I find that dairy, gluten, soy, and most refined sugars make feel absolutely terrible. I don't have an allergy to any of these, but every time I eat something with one of these ingredients (gluten even trace amounts despite all blood tests for it showing normal), I always experience a flare-up. I become extremely fatigued, my joints ache, I have a lot of nerve pain, and often get a stomach ache, among many other symptoms that I get during my flare-ups. Could this reaction potentially be an autoimmune thing? A sign of an inflammatory response?
I have also been wondering about joint pain and a potential connection to autoimmune disease. When I was a teenager, I constantly dealt with joint pain in my right ankle. It was also weak enough to the point where I was told by doctors to wear a brace almost all the time during the day for a few years. No one could ever find anything wrong with it except that it hurt, was pretty weak, and cracked very easily with a lot of pain. My right ankle is much better now, but fast forward a few years later and since 2019 I have experienced similar problems in my right shoulder, almost like it migrated. No explanation, but weak, painful, cracks a lot, and chiropractic and PT work have never helped. I do not know if there is any arthritis present in these joints or if that was ever tested for. Would something like that be worth looking into? Can inflammatory problems settle into certain joints and move?