Thank you so much!!! I've always taken excellent care of my teeth. I've recently been diagnosised with Lupus. I have been at a loss in reguards to my teeth. I've broken two teeth on one and a half years. My dentist is a lovely man. We couldn't understand why at this point in my life I would begin clench my jaws. He even made me a night guard. I've also had a cavity so large he had to build a composite to fix it. (I have no dental insurance) Dispite my life long obsessive care of my teeth my gums are receding! I truly have read every piece of information that has come my way. I've not come across dental disease as a problem. On a whim I decided to google it. Does Lupus cause dental issues. I hit the jackpot!!!! Thank you for so much information. Good luck and God bless!!!
Unknown re: Dental issues.: Thank you so much!!! I... - LUPUS UK
Unknown re: Dental issues.

I am 63 and have had problems for over forty years with my teeth.
At the age of ten I cut out all sweets, no mean feat for a kid! Despite brushing and being meticulous I noticed enamel all worn away by my early twenties and had frequent bouts of gingivitis with swollen gums and swollen face needing weeks of antibiotics.
No one knew why, I also drank milk by the gallon till my twenties as I didn't like tea.
Then about fifteen years ago came the drastically dry mouth and eyes and suspect Sjogrens and Lupus.
Now the dentist and I have halted the rapid decline of the fangs. I use Durophat extra fluoride toothpaste and get scaled and polished every three months. I have bonding on my front teeth as the enamel has gone and one implant for an eye tooth.
Lupus often comes with secondary Sjogrens and your teeth will sadly suffer but with great care they should be saved.
I also use a water flossed after every meal and ordinary floss every night and morning. The Colgate one is the best and more gentle as you can introduce infection if floss cuts your inflammed gums.
If there is any bleeding I use Corsydyl spray before flossing.
It's a lot of maintenance but it will save your teeth in the end.
Good luck! X
Also, I use a mouth guard always for grinding at night. Grinding can slightly loosen the roots and introduce inflammation to the gums and resultant in receding gums.
I have a mouth guard also. I received it about 3 months ago. I didn't know but apparently have been clenching teeth. Broke 3! I was the kid with 22-18 cavities. I had excellent dental care until about ten years ago due to finances. That is about the time doctor started checking for Lupus. I'm now 57 and recently diagnosed! I know it is hard to diagnose but some damage permanently. DDS not knowledgeable on Lupus. I honestly did not know it would effect my teeth until I started reading this group!!!!! I'm so getting info on Lupus. Knowing others problems and concerns are educational! I wish none of us had this disease. But hearing others say other people done understand makes me feel not so alone!
You are most welcome.
BEST caring, sensible, supportive, informative, experienced, loving group ANYWHERE.
CHEERS MA' DEARS for all your continuing help, on behalf of us all who have been helped, if I may make so bold! Ha ha
Other responses are great. I have Sjogren's and Lupus, as well as other autoimmune diseases and Primary Immune Disease. Without going into a long explanation of my problems, I would highly recommend seeing an Immunologist and have your blood checked for Primary Immune Disease. This test is actually pretty basic as it simply checks the levels of your major immunoglobulin's. Your most important immunoglobulin's are IgA, IgG, IgM, and a couple of subsets of IgA's. Your doctor will certainly know. This is a simple test that is often overlooked unfortunately. I wish that someone had given me this test earlier in my life and it would have saved me years of pain, suffering, heartbreak and near financial ruin. Best of luck to you. If it turns out to be negative, that will be fantastic and you will have the comfort of knowing that you can rule out such an important factor in your health.
Just want to say welcome & hello fezzywig & me too! Have been going through immunology investigations for18 months after referal by lupus & Vasculitis clinic due to hypogammaglobulinaemia & lymphopenia, low Ig G, A, M. There are v few of us knowingly with PID on here. Glad you're here! Are you living in the UK? Is your PID treated under immunology? How were you referred? Are you prescribed IVIG? Aplogies for all the ?s π
ππππ coco
Not much I can add, mclaughlin, except to say me too...are you hypermobile? My ehlers danlos hypermobility also predisposes me to early onset oral problems of various types inc gum recession, ulcers, & bloody bullous lesions + huge erosive lesions especially on my hard palate. My infant onset lupus, and early onset sjogrens & PID make all this worse too. The gum recession started in childhood π. A lifetime of conscientious oral hygiene can only have helped slightly to minimise all 63, it's still a lot worse than in "normal" people. My periodontist got me onto gengigel mouth was & oral gel, which are great...over the decades I've tried everything OTC, home remedy & prescription...Gengigel helps me most (+ the prescription oral steroid adcortyl in orabase - no longer available in the uk, so I get it abroad on GP prescription.)
ππππ coco