I have discovered that my heart rate is a little fast. I bought a new phone with a health app which I can use to take my pulse rate. I was trying it out and noticed that my heart rate is all over the place so I started doing it manually along side the app and it has proved to be accurate.
I've discovered that my lying down resting heart rate is 75 - 80 bpm, sitting is 85-90 bpm but when I stand (standing still) it goes up to 110-120 bpm and if I stand doing something (like folding clothes etc)or walking or going upstairs it goes up to 140-150 bpm.
To me this sounds a bit high. I have double checked manually against the app and it is consistent. I know this can be a sign of POTS but is it as high as what you would get with POTS? I guess what I'm asking is, is it high or am I just being silly?
Thanks in advance.